Action Request On Mr, White

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Reaction score
United Kingdom
Your Steam/In-game Name: GamingPeach/David Peach
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: TalkLoud l Enigma® | csgoskin. / William White
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:59990080
Why Should This Player Be Punished: I was driving back to the police department when his green car went through a red light, I decided to pursuit the man and he pulled over, nice and simple. He then disagreed with my decision to give him a ticket for 9.3 and then took of which breaks 3.4 and 2.1 for driving off over a ticket (the man could afford the ticket he had over 6000+) I pursuit the man once again and decided I am going to take action as he is putting the public endanger, so I managed to pit the guy he then decides he is going to ignore rules 3.15 and 3.20, therefore leading to his escape.
Evidence (Demo Required):
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Running away from a mere ticket is a bit silly. Also stating that the lights were green on his screen is an utter lie. I think he needs to have a major think over the rules and his ability to state the truth or not.
User clearly broke 3.22 at the beginning of the video, as you can clearly see at 0:04 that your light was green and it would be impossible for the other light to be green aswell. Furthermore the user broke 3.4 (he risked his life free from imprisonment) as he would've been put in jail for breaking law 8.8, 9.1, 9.5 and 9.7 aswell as being a threat to other civilians lifes, aswell as he broke 2.1 as it really doesn't make sence to run away from a traffic ticket (as you can see at 1:53). Furthermore the user completly ignored vehicle damage (3.15) while being pursuited (3.20) (as you can see at 2:19 and 2:33). In addition the user lied to you, causing problems (1.4), as he said "the lights were green on his screen" (as you can see at 1:21), when you confronted him with the fact that it was red on his side and indirectly told him that he broke 3.22.
He will be warned for breaking 2.1, 3.15 and 3.22 (Due to being banned for a substantial time right now) - He should not have driven away over a ticket, and he should have not gone through the intersection lights whilst they were red, throughout the pursuit he had little care for the safety of his car.
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