Let's see what we got here.
3.15 - Boyle did not take any action that would lead into his car being damaged. The only one causing damage towards the vehicle was you.
3.19 - I'll come back to this one later.
2.1 - Same as 3.19
3.4 - See 2.1
3.3 - Jumping onto a 'railing' of that width is quite easy, and chances of miscalculating that are pretty low. It's not really unrealistic, so I don't see why you would put this one here, as jumping onto a railing of that height and width is quite easy, even during a sprint.
3.20 - The first time he 'rammed' you, the damage would've been isolated to the front bumper, not affecting anything but air resistance. The second time around, Boyle's front left wheel would've been severely damaged, I agree on that.
1.1 / 1.2 - Gonna say no on that one. Everything on the screenshot from Boyle is said in character, where it's perfectly allowed, as according to server rules, to offend absolutely anyone with disrespectful behaviour or discrimination. The only thing that limits them at all, is the law, which they are not forced to abide. Not to mention, if he is inside his own property, away from anything resembling a public setting, he may verbally abuse absolutely everyone (inside).
"1.2 Verbal Abuse
The act of using any form of derogatory and/or Discriminatory Terms used directly against a person in a Public Setting."
Now, to go back up to 3.19, 2.1 and 3.4, I'll go ahead and break down what happened.
First, Boyle drives behind you, coming towards a stop by the traffic light. You hit your brakes prematurely, essentially stopping in the middle of the road. Now, this causes Boyle to hit the rear end of your vehicle, however this is caused by your reckless driving and neglecting the fact that Boyle may not be able to react in time, as well as the fact that there's a sign right next to you, saying "No stopping at any time". As you didn't stop by the traffic light, but rather in the middle of the road, you essentially broke the law, as your reckless behaviour and negligence towards the signs caused a collision. What doesn't make it better is that you looked behind you, towards Boyle, which makes me feel that you did it on purpose in order to 'bait' him.
Now, Boyle does what anyone would say, which is "you stopped in road" "you dont slam on breaks (brakes boyle, come on)". It took you a few seconds to activate the lights on your vehicle, after having moved your car a bit forward. At this point, Boyle cannot be certain if you're going to respond to an emergency, or if you're going to pull him over, despite the situation. Therefore, he proceeds to go through the light and towards the intersection. With the exception of running the first red light (which cannot be seen clearly, as the demo UI is in the way), Boyle does not break any additional laws on his way to the intersection.
While driving down the highway, nothing indicates that Boyle actually tries to escape. I am certain his vehicle can pass the 80 MPH speed limit, but he appears to be driving at or below the actual limit.
Further down the highway, Boyle does realize that you are trying to pull him over, and proceeds to go into the small break-down zone of the highway. At this point, Boyle has not actually been any danger to other citizens, or shown any signs of reckless driving (with the exception of one incident after the highway bend). Boyle slows down his vehicle, which should immediately tell you, that he is going to pull over. At this point, I see absolutely no reason for you to ram his vehicle, as Boyle did not show any sort of aggression, and he was going to comply. What makes it worse, is that after he reverses (so that he can actually get out of his vehicle, since you blocked the door), you proceed to push him onto the highway, bringing not only his and yours life in danger, but also endangering any other citizen driving on the highway.
When you finally stop trying to break down his vehicle, and you're both pulled over, you now say "You're under arrest". At this point, Boyle could not be aware he did anything wrong (maybe with exception of the red light, but okay), and could see this as you breaking law 11.3. And Boyle, whom is not very fond of being arrested, may at this time escape, as you've already informed him that he is being arrested, and not getting a ticket.
Now, you proceeded to spike his vehicle at the intersection, despite him seconds before that having almost run you over, which you would maybe have to reconsider yourself - was that realistic to do? Anyway, like I said with the broken wheel when you rammed his vehicle, I cannot disagree on this part. Boyle did not really have an amazing chance of escaping with his tyres blown out.
After having spiked his vehicle, you get into your own and try stopping him once more. You then proceed to push his vehicle onto the 'barricade'. At the low speed this happened, it would not exactly discombobulate Boyle, and he could still try to escape. While on foot, Boyle proceeded to run for his life. One of the officers (you) was severely damaged after he had almost killed you with his vehicle, while the other was not yet out of his vehicle. I would take a wild guess and say that almost anyone could actually escape at this point, not to mention he got picked up after a bit of running. Whether he was aware that this vehicle was coming to help him, it could mean that he had a plan and mindset to successfully escape.
I consider the majority of the rules you want him punished for to be invalid. The situation itself occurred due to yourself breaking laws as a police officer, which means you broke server rules. If you had, rather than drive recklessly, stopped at the traffic light, the situation could've been avoided. Boyle would've never hit your bumper, and a chase would never have happened.
Therefore I wish to -support this Action Request, except for the exceptions previously made in my post.