Action request on So$a

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Amy Belinsky
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: So$a
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:51081375
Why Should This Player Be Punished: The user broke server laws 2.5 and i think it's 3.4, So as the video will provide the evidence against the user you will see also that a cop started to random shoot and minging around and this what bring the user to shoot at me, So you will see also player Jamie witch did not shoot me it's because i wanted to call a supervisor against the officer that was shooting at the user over a ticked for law 10.1 , The cop ooc name is "Dr.drajj" and his steam id is "STEAM_0:0:63129850", It's not seems like the player So$a wanted to wait me call the supervisor on the officers that shot and because his patience is short so he decided to take the law to his hands and sort the situation out by the way he think it's right, From view a such thing could be solved in other way and not like that but it's not for me to decide it's for staff member of the community to do so.
Evidence (Demo Required):
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Clearly see the cop shot him first. Thats why we killed you all. Please stop making shit AR's when you only play tfu and lose nothing but 5 minutes.
Please read the ar and all what i wrote if you dont understand reread
I completely understand even with shit english that you were mad about losing 5 minutes and made this AR.
The cop started shooting, so its only fair they retaliate? I don't see the problem
Did you try to establish any sense of wrongdoing for them? The way I see it from Sossa's perspective, he'd just been shot at (Policy violation or not) and comes back out with a gun seeing his org member/friend aiming a gun so he surely got the idea that it was time to defend themselves.​
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