Action Request On Walker

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Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name: MatStar/Matt Arjama @MatStar
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Walker/Ben Walker @Walker
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:56604491
Why Should This Player Be Punished:
3.15 Vehicle Damage. User pushed my car on purpose to give Gary space it looked like. Considering that Walker was a former mod and I was clearly pushed by the Aston Martin he should have know that this is not allowed and is clearly unrealistic

Evidence (Demo Required):
Tick: 8600

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You kinda rammed him first what did you expect?

A car to your left pulled up clearly trying to get past just before he pushes you backwards not considering damaging his own car even more. I would say the evidence is clear but so was his motive which was clearly displayed when you hit his car at a slow speed. Despite what I have seen the rams twice was clearly not needed.


I did not see the car pushing Mat into Walker my bad was looking front.
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OT: It is really unrealistic to push a car like that in real life, especially with a ferrari it will cost alot as both of the cars get alot of damage to the bumpers. Walker was a mod so he should know this. It's maybe a not that much enforced rule but still, a rule is a rule
It seems to me he did it in retaliation of you hitting his car (rather than to give Gary a space), however you can clearly see the only reason you hit his car was because the car behind you pushed you forward.

To me it seems Walker went a bit OTT, and should not have really rammed you back like that, but instead should have either role played it out (i.e complaining to you about you hitting his car), or simply accepted it was an accident and drove off.

This is kinda silly, you did slightly ram his car in the first place. But that doesn't really give him the permission to do it back. But did it ruin your roleplay that bad you make this action request?

It is a bit petty.
Maybe Walker decided to ram into the back of you because of the following reasons?
  • The lights was bugged obviously and you need to move back to get them to work.
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Well, as I can see you rammed him a little bit, but its highly-unrealistic for a $100,000 car or more (IRL Money) ram other cars.
I am going with a Support, close to neutral.
Its not that realistic to ram a car with the back of yours as it would break, this is then an unrealistic action (2.1) and then proceed to do it again which would cause damage to your vehicle (3.15). You have my support.
You rammed me first so I rammed you back assuming it was a bit of banter, I also had to reverse to reset the lights as they were broken however it was mainly because you rammed me. I am sure you have had some messing about with friends with your cars but that is besides the point I knew it was you and we talk on teamspeak and I would consider you a friend therefore pushed you so far back.

EDIT: Also due to not being able to see that far back in cars I had no idea you had been pushed.
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In case you don't have eyes, MatStar was pushed by a vehicle behind him. This caused him to roll forward and hit walkers car but only slightly. Although it was a bit silly for Walker to push you back.
Get an admin to decide on the case rather than a mod for better results. Rules are rules ya know;):rolleyes:
Ran out of words to comment on

My thoughts on the situation
Sorry but this action request was a waste of your time, it was Pointless.
Firstly: YOU rammed him for no reason.
Secondly: the light might have been bugged.
Thirdly: he didst make any room for that Aston the Aston just took his place bit of aggression driving by all of you.
Finally: Maybe Walker shouldn't have rammed you as much has he did but its not wrothy of an action request as your the one who started the ramming, maybe on purpose maybe not.

Pointless get on with the role play, Walker Not GUILTY!

Firstly: I was rammed which caused me to bum into him Secondly: The light was bugged but instead of saying "Could you back up a bit?" He decided to push my car Thirdly: The Aston was being a turd at the time and he kinda created this hole situation (sorry @D3V) Finally: An action request can be made when ever there is a rule broken and no moderators can respond to it. Your post is invalid and ignorant.
You rammed me first so I rammed you back assuming it was a bit of banter, I also had to reverse to reset the lights as they were broken however it was mainly because you rammed me. I am sure you have had some messing about with friends with your cars but that is besides the point I knew it was you and we talk on teamspeak and I would consider you a friend therefore pushed you so far back.

EDIT: Also due to not being able to see that far back in cars I had no idea you had been pushed.
So you would crash your multi million car into his because he rammed you and you thought it was "banter"
You rammed me first so I rammed you back assuming it was a bit of banter, I also had to reverse to reset the lights as they were broken however it was mainly because you rammed me. I am sure you have had some messing about with friends with your cars but that is besides the point I knew it was you and we talk on teamspeak and I would consider you a friend therefore pushed you so far back.

EDIT: Also due to not being able to see that far back in cars I had no idea you had been pushed.

"You rammed me first so I rammed you back assuming it was a bit of banter" - Who doesn't do this? We've all done it messing about with our friends haven't we... You know it.

"I also had to reverse to reset the lights as they were broken, however it was mainly because you rammed me." - That's also another valid point, doesn't mean you ram the car behind you. But his above statement covers that.

"...besides the point I knew it was you, we talk on teamspeak and I would consider you as a friend therefore pushed you so far back." - Exactly. It's like me and @D3V or @Bajar messing about then making an action request because of it? It's silly really.

This action request is not needed in my opinion.
User was warned for this post (2.4 Constructive Supports) -LordTyla
+Support clera breaking of 3.15. ANd 2.1
What the actual fuck has happened to this AR, just let the staff member deal with it for fucks sake. You are all getting into pointless arguments over this. Unless you have something useful to say don't say it.
2.1 - Using his 200,000$ car to ram another car twice to move it away from the intersection. Did not roleplay it out by saying sorry or anything.

3.15 - Light may have been bugged, but user did not indicate in any form for the other user to backup. Then breaking 3.15 by ramming his car not once but twice.

3.22 - User broke law 9.10 by ramming another vehicle twice at the intersection.

3.4 - User risked his well-being by ramming a vehicle multiple times, therefore risking a huge ticket not only paying a good amount of money to repair his car.

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I'm going to put this out there from a neutral stand point. I was on the server for 1 or 2 hours last night driving round in my ukipmobil with @Hazza56 and on 5 different occasions we either witnessed or was involved in a car backing in or driving into is at traffic lights.

Although I'm not necessarily saying what walker did was wrong or right, I think it's worth taking into consideration that this type of thing happens regularly. I would find it hard to believe if someone says they've never rammed into their friends car whether on purpose or as a joke. Especially the amount of times someones rammed a car out of a parking spot.

Now I personally would administer a warning and set out clear rules that this type of behaviour of ramming into others needs to stop or be roleplayed out properly. I wouldn't use walker as a scapegoat or a setting stone for this type of rule infringement. He clearly didn't have the intention to ruin anyone's role-play. I just hope the staff team would take into consideration that others do it regularly.

I miss trande still
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