Action Request (Spooda)

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Your Steam Name: Allahisfirst
Your Roleplay Name: Paul Trevor
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:451666482

Player's Steam Name: Spooda
Player's Roleplay Name: Gerg Grigori
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:80508688

Why should this player be punished?: this player came and popped my tires after i told him i got a clip of him vdming people. sadly in the clip i could only capture the part him popping my tires.

Evidence Link:
Hello the man I killed was in the road and I heard u say you were going to clip it and snitch on me so I assumed you were going report me to the police that I just killed someone so I feel like slashing your tyres was a minor response compared to the action I could of taken against you.

Hello the man I killed was in the road and I heard u say you were going to clip it and snitch on me so I assumed you were going report me to the police that I just killed someone so I feel like slashing your tyres was a minor response compared to the action I could of taken against you.

I understand where you're coming from however why did execute this response directly in front of the PD, whilst there are police officers around as well?
I understand that view on committing the crime however I knew the officers were pre-occupied with another situation involving a shooting which was causing confusion around the area especially considering the bigger cars such as the ambulance and the Porsche basically making a maze which providing me with a opportunity to execute the crime without being caught so that's what I did.
Hello the man I killed was in the road and I heard u say you were going to clip it and snitch on me so I assumed you were going report me to the police that I just killed someone so I feel like slashing your tyres was a minor response compared to the action I could of taken against you.
how can you assume me reporting you to cops when in the video you can clearly hear me say ima report it to staff.
how can you assume me reporting you to cops when in the video you can clearly hear me say ima report it to staff.
@ 00:03 in the video you threatened to 'report me' which I assumed would be to police as I didn't actually break any rules to see it any other way.

I could of also called a staff member and gotten you punished for multiple rules such as 1.1 and 2.5 excessive negativity for your string of mean words you used on me in a OOC context as in the same sentence you also broke 3.24 staying in character bring up clipping footage and staff members @ 00:14. However I took into consideration you are clearly very new to the server and you might not understand so I slashed your tyres to teach u a lesson for threatening to call the police on me IC as that was how I took it.
@ 00:03 in the video you threatened to 'report me' which I assumed would be to police as I didn't actually break any rules to see it any other way.

I could of also called a staff member and gotten you punished for multiple rules such as 1.1 and 2.5 excessive negativity for your string of mean words you used on me in a OOC context as in the same sentence you also broke 3.24 staying in character bring up clipping footage and staff members @ 00:14. However I took into consideration you are clearly very new to the server and you might not understand so I slashed your tyres to teach u a lesson for threatening to call the police on me IC as that was how I took it.
the stuff you just said was to false. all i happened to do was saw you vdm the guy which you know you did. came next to you saying shall i report you now thinking is funny vdming people hitting other cars with your car. that isnt threatening straight up telling you what will happen if you continue. yet you didnt listen and funny enough decided to pop my tires with a hammer.
the stuff you just said was to false. all i happened to do was saw you vdm the guy which you know you did. came next to you saying shall i report you now thinking is funny vdming people hitting other cars with your car. that isnt threatening straight up telling you what will happen if you continue. yet you didnt listen and funny enough decided to pop my tires with a hammer.
as far as ik your only allowed to slash someone elses tires if they mug, raid , or kill your friend. none of that happened here. saying reporting you isnt threatening. thats me saying it cuz you’re breaking the rules of the server.
@ 00:03 in the video you threatened to 'report me' which I assumed would be to police as I didn't actually break any rules to see it any other way.

I could of also called a staff member and gotten you punished for multiple rules such as 1.1 and 2.5 excessive negativity for your string of mean words you used on me in a OOC context as in the same sentence you also broke 3.24 staying in character bring up clipping footage and staff members @ 00:14. However I took into consideration you are clearly very new to the server and you might not understand so I slashed your tyres to teach u a lesson for threatening to call the police on me IC as that was how I took it.
also i didnt break the rule 3.24 since i was doing f6 staying afk at city hall in my car in a parking lot so nothing couldve and wouldve happened to me. the staff sent me the link to do AR on you while im in “character” as you said. if i was breaking it im pretty sure he wouldve made an f6 about that.

@Spooda should have taken precautions before committing their response toward @Allahisfirst, they were stuck on the scene at the time without any proper getaway arranged while police officers were there, executing an armed crime in front of the police department was a risky play. When doing something like this, you're expected to put some planning into it, you had alternatives, imminent action wasn't very beneficial.

@Allahisfirst always remain in character while playing, if you say stuff like "I will report you" to someone this will be considered in-character and will lead to yourself being harmed in-game, I want you to pay attention to this matter.

I will use my initiative and follow a more corrective path here rather than issuing punishment for this instance, therefore, take into consideration what's been elaborated above and ensure this doesn't happen again. Anything similar to this from both of the parties will result in an action taken next time.
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