Your Steam/In-game Name: Robin Ljungberg // Robin Ljungberg
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Stomper / Carlos Rios
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:96447027
Why Should This Player Be Punished:
What happen
I don't really know how to explain this really, I was at storage with @Agent Green to pick up some guns because we were about to do something, it was a while ago so I don't really remember. We took out the guns, we started to store them, to later then get in the vehicle and drive off, I did the same, I went onto the other side of the vehicle, tried to store it, some seconds later, I Just died. I had no idea what happen, and I started asking in OOC, I made a /report and everything and here comes @Madda into the picture after the situation was over, we all got killed basically, they were 5 people in their car, 2-3 in ours, his ''RDM'' basically caused us all to die. (I lost 2 AKs because of that)
So moving into the Admin Situation with @Madda
We got onto a Roof, and ofc, their attitude was just as bad as in
@Alex_:D video, he was Just shouting things really, explaining his reason to kill me. His reason to kill me was basically because he though I was someone else, someone else that DOESN'T LOOK LIKE ME AT ALL, so he killed someone because he ''though'' it was someone else, basically RDMing me, causing around 10 people to die, because of what? oh right, he RDM'ed the wrong person, so that was his reason to kill me, and im PRETTY SURE that @Madda can back this up since he was the one dealiing with the situation.
Rule that @Stomper broke:
Reason is already stated, if you got any more rules to add, please feel free to comment or make a reply on this post.
Evidence (Demo Required):
The Video is from Fredy Newman @Agent Green, (Me getting ran over)
So this is the video them causing all the problems really, I Just took out my gun, tried to store it, and i got ran over, caused a big shoot out because they are of course going to defend me. I Just love how they were laughing after running me over.
Tick: Not Needed.
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Stomper / Carlos Rios
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:96447027
Why Should This Player Be Punished:
What happen
I don't really know how to explain this really, I was at storage with @Agent Green to pick up some guns because we were about to do something, it was a while ago so I don't really remember. We took out the guns, we started to store them, to later then get in the vehicle and drive off, I did the same, I went onto the other side of the vehicle, tried to store it, some seconds later, I Just died. I had no idea what happen, and I started asking in OOC, I made a /report and everything and here comes @Madda into the picture after the situation was over, we all got killed basically, they were 5 people in their car, 2-3 in ours, his ''RDM'' basically caused us all to die. (I lost 2 AKs because of that)
So moving into the Admin Situation with @Madda
We got onto a Roof, and ofc, their attitude was just as bad as in
@Alex_:D video, he was Just shouting things really, explaining his reason to kill me. His reason to kill me was basically because he though I was someone else, someone else that DOESN'T LOOK LIKE ME AT ALL, so he killed someone because he ''though'' it was someone else, basically RDMing me, causing around 10 people to die, because of what? oh right, he RDM'ed the wrong person, so that was his reason to kill me, and im PRETTY SURE that @Madda can back this up since he was the one dealiing with the situation.
Rule that @Stomper broke:

Reason is already stated, if you got any more rules to add, please feel free to comment or make a reply on this post.
Evidence (Demo Required):
The Video is from Fredy Newman @Agent Green, (Me getting ran over)
So this is the video them causing all the problems really, I Just took out my gun, tried to store it, and i got ran over, caused a big shoot out because they are of course going to defend me. I Just love how they were laughing after running me over.
Tick: Not Needed.
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