Action Request (Travis . Code Monkey)

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Your Steam Name: DanielRabbit
Your Roleplay Name: Ava James
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:171921643

Player's Steam Name: Travis . Code Monkey
Player's Roleplay Name: Rina Teltelbaum, Brandy Martello
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:183447894 , STEAM_0:0:183447894

Why should this player be punished?: When there was a raid at suburbs 2 I managed to get all suspects down and awaiting medical services. However when standing outside I was shot at with the belief he intended to flank. He then attempted to kill me which he failed miserably. I also got killed at the end at suburbs 2 but I don't know who it was.

Evidence Link:
That raid was conducted by our org members who hailed us to the scene on teamspeak. After CodeMonkey and I arrived we began scoping the area for the raid, began with subs 2 and didnt find anything so we went to subs 1 and you were on the roof. For whatever reason CodeMonkey decided to start shooting at you and I immeditely asked him why he did this. Hearing no response, I assumed he had seen one of our org mates or that there was a chance that one would be revived. I cannot speak to his state of mind at that point. Taking his lead I then proceeded to clear the house, thinking he'd already killed you. I was simply following his lead at that point as he'd decided to flank and I was already implicated into the situation by the fact that I had a gun out with him.
Code Monkey basically said org called for help at subs raid, he arrived on scene and killed cops to prevent friends being arrested.
Code Monkey basically said org called for help at subs raid, he arrived on scene and killed cops to prevent friends being arrested.
I can reply to ARs now. Exactly what Mini said.

Code monkey will be warned for 3.4, however, as Travis was acting on Code Monkeys initiation he will not be punished on this occasion. @travis be careful in the future geeza because you could get yourself into trouble.

Reviewed with @Efan @A1L
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