Action Request (travis)

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Reaction score

Your Steam Name: Fesch
Your Roleplay Name: Tanner Anderson
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:434225840

Player's Steam Name: travis
Player's Roleplay Name: Travis Ruckus
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:179938847

Why should this player be punished?: I was trying to park at rear baz and a guy steps in behind my car while im reversing. He then gets on top of my car and his friends start punching my car. I then drive over to another parking spot and park my car, after exiting one of them pulls out a gun and pops my tires, he then points the gun at me but shortly after puts it away again. Then i pull out my gun from my cars storage to defend myself because i thought he was going to shoot me. I get the guy who popped my tires but one of his friends pull out a gun and shoots me.
Fesch 20:48

Evidence Link:
Not sure what your complaint here is? You almost ran over ICEKILLER at 0:50 and were driving pretty recklessly on the sidewalk, ramming cars and endangering our lives. Popping your tires seems like a very reasonable response to that. I pointed my gun at you afterwards as I couldnt see if you were pulling out a gun while crouched behind your car. You killed me and then my org mates killed you in retaliation. Everything was a reasonable escalation here.
I almost ran over your friend yes, that dosn't justify shooting my tires. Also, when you popped my tires i was parked in a parking spot with my engine turned off and outside of my vehicle, ergo not endangering anybody anymore. If i was intentionally trying to hit your friend and kill you, that would justify shooting my tires in self defence, but that is not what happend.
I almost ran over your friend yes, that dosn't justify shooting my tires. Also, when you popped my tires i was parked in a parking spot with my engine turned off and outside of my vehicle, ergo not endangering anybody anymore. If i was intentionally trying to hit your friend and kill you, that would justify shooting my tires in self defence, but that is not what happend.
"I get the guy who popped my tires but one of his friends pull out a gun and shoots me."

So are you reporting your death or the tires being popped? Both? Regardless you should know that popping someone's tires is a minor escalation in response to a situation where you endangered the life of my friend, had you ran him over it would have then been justification to instead kill you.

I would see rule 3.15 Driving and Damaging Vehicles :

Players must always drive on the correct side of the highway; obey traffic laws whilst at the Intersection; and vehicles - stolen or otherwise - must be driven to the best of a player’s ability so as to avoid collisions. There may be valid reasons not to do so, where the benefits outweigh the risks. This includes but is not limited to running a red light at the Intersection to significantly increase one’s chances of survival or running someone over in self-defence. Ramming a car out of a parking space solely to claim said space is not allowed.

The way you were driving is in direct contradiction to this rule as you were ramming cars, including hitting that one cop car and just driving recklessly on a sidewalk. I hope that any administrative response to this AR acts as a eductional opportunity for you about the rules.
I am reporting the shooting of my tires. Shooting my tires and pointing the gun at me is not a said "minor escelation" from me almost accidentally running over your friend. Would you really do that in real life?

You purposely backed up while you knew someone was in your way. @travis justifiably popped your tires. You also hit a police vehicle and continued driving like this when a cop was present

As a result of your reckless driving and carelessness, you will be punished for rules 3.15 and 3.4. You are already banned for 6 months and will receive a warning for 3.15 and 3.4.

Reviewed with @phoondos
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