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Suggestion Title: Add a full working prison with job Security guards.
Suggestion Description: So it's a hot topic right now around people being jailed and then PD being raided and the monotony of it all and I'd really like to see a full working prison introduced.
You could have government job security guards, pay controlled via the Mayor including the maximum amount of guards. They could have a small sidearm such as a Beretta and a nightstick to protect the prison from potential raids, they can also be issued with a radio to communicate with other guards and access to the gov text radio to give information about a possible prison break, including a panic button.
From a criminal aspect, this could include higher sentences for violent crimes which can be reduced by completing jobs inside the prison, such as using a broom to sweep and cleanup, this would reduce the time significantly, or they can just stand AFK and serve their full sentence. This gives crims some interaction whilst serving their sentence rather than standing looking at a cell door in cuffs for X minutes, to then be spawned outside the front of PD. There could be a new spawn position added outside the front of the prison on release where they could get picked up or utilise the taxi service.
Once a crim has been jailed, the cuffs come off and all of their items are stored at the prison NPC. Once their time is up they can collect all of their belongings when they are released.
Whilst inside the prison and completing jobs, it could also give a small chance of them finding a weapon such as a knife or even a phone, giving even more interaction with the guards inside the prison, take them hostage, force release etc... Completing jobs inside the prison could also offer a small financial incentive which could help in paying those pesky tickets!
Adding a prison with security guards can also reduce the amount of times PD itself is raided and potential NLR breaks, there's nothing more frustrating as PD than attending a shootout at slums/regals/bank where you might die, you come back only to find that there's now a PD raid and you die again, you come back and potentially the PD raid is still on-going, it removes any RP as PD for about 20 minutes and this is a regular thing, daily in fact. If there's a prison, then PD can attend a prison break, if they die then their NLR isn't affected because the prison is nowhere near the PD and they can't return to the scene, which in turn makes it a little easier for crims to identify which officers are still actively involved in defending the raid.
A simple LUA code when inside prison could be sweeping the floor with a broom;
Why should this be added?:
I think this would offer a massive improvement to both PD and crims;
1. It reduces monotony of doing nothing
2. It reduces NLR issues, in fact it should remove them altogether.
3. It gives more interaction
4. It creates a new government job for players
5. It's more realistic.
What negatives could this have?:
This could lead to increased sentencing for criminals, but as mentioned they can reduce their time by completing jobs, so it's completely in their hands how long they want to serve.
What problem would this suggestion solve?: This would resolve NLR, PD raids, shootouts outside city hall.
Suggestion Description: So it's a hot topic right now around people being jailed and then PD being raided and the monotony of it all and I'd really like to see a full working prison introduced.
You could have government job security guards, pay controlled via the Mayor including the maximum amount of guards. They could have a small sidearm such as a Beretta and a nightstick to protect the prison from potential raids, they can also be issued with a radio to communicate with other guards and access to the gov text radio to give information about a possible prison break, including a panic button.
From a criminal aspect, this could include higher sentences for violent crimes which can be reduced by completing jobs inside the prison, such as using a broom to sweep and cleanup, this would reduce the time significantly, or they can just stand AFK and serve their full sentence. This gives crims some interaction whilst serving their sentence rather than standing looking at a cell door in cuffs for X minutes, to then be spawned outside the front of PD. There could be a new spawn position added outside the front of the prison on release where they could get picked up or utilise the taxi service.
Once a crim has been jailed, the cuffs come off and all of their items are stored at the prison NPC. Once their time is up they can collect all of their belongings when they are released.
Whilst inside the prison and completing jobs, it could also give a small chance of them finding a weapon such as a knife or even a phone, giving even more interaction with the guards inside the prison, take them hostage, force release etc... Completing jobs inside the prison could also offer a small financial incentive which could help in paying those pesky tickets!
Adding a prison with security guards can also reduce the amount of times PD itself is raided and potential NLR breaks, there's nothing more frustrating as PD than attending a shootout at slums/regals/bank where you might die, you come back only to find that there's now a PD raid and you die again, you come back and potentially the PD raid is still on-going, it removes any RP as PD for about 20 minutes and this is a regular thing, daily in fact. If there's a prison, then PD can attend a prison break, if they die then their NLR isn't affected because the prison is nowhere near the PD and they can't return to the scene, which in turn makes it a little easier for crims to identify which officers are still actively involved in defending the raid.
A simple LUA code when inside prison could be sweeping the floor with a broom;
-- Define the time reduction and probability values
local timeReduction = 10
local knifeProbability = 5 -- 5% probability of finding a knife
local phoneProbability = 5 -- 5% probability of finding a phone
-- Function to reduce prison time
local function ReducePrisonTime(ply, amount)
local currentPrisonTime = ply:GetNWInt("prisonTime", 0) --
local newPrisonTime = math.max(0, currentPrisonTime - amount)
ply:SetNWInt("prisonTime", newPrisonTime) --
-- Hook into the player's use action
hook.Add("PlayerUse", "BroomAction", function(ply, ent)
-- Check if the player is using a broom
if IsValid(ent) and ent:GetClass() == "weapon_broom" and ply:IsCriminal() then
-- Perform the broom action
timer.Simple(10, function()
-- Reduce the player's prison time
ReducePrisonTime(ply, timeReduction)
-- Check for the probability of finding a knife
if math.random(1, 100) <= knifeProbability then
-- Player found a knife
ply:Give("weapon_knife") -- Replace "weapon_knife" with the actual weapon class
ply:ChatPrint("You found a knife while using the broom!")
elseif math.random(1, 100) <= phoneProbability then
-- Player found a phone
ply:Give("weapon_phone") -- Replace "weapon_phone" with the actual weapon class for a phone
ply:ChatPrint("You found a phone while using the broom!")
Why should this be added?:
I think this would offer a massive improvement to both PD and crims;
1. It reduces monotony of doing nothing
2. It reduces NLR issues, in fact it should remove them altogether.
3. It gives more interaction
4. It creates a new government job for players
5. It's more realistic.
What negatives could this have?:
This could lead to increased sentencing for criminals, but as mentioned they can reduce their time by completing jobs, so it's completely in their hands how long they want to serve.
What problem would this suggestion solve?: This would resolve NLR, PD raids, shootouts outside city hall.