[Addition] 2.5 Excessive Negativity

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Professional Stripper
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What rule do you wish to Edit/Add:

2.5 Excessive Negativity
Players may not excessively impact the experience of others in a negative manner, unless the actions are a proportionate escalation of negative actions that have been performed against the original player.

For example, it is not acceptable to:

  • Intentionally mug and targeting new players.
  • Destroy valuable items due to basic distaste such as product prices.
  • Killing a player over verbal insults, minor or accidental actions.
  • Killing a player after mugging them because they’ve seen your identity.
Your version of the rule:
  • Wreck another player's car when stolen without any reason.

Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited:

It should be the person that stolen the car's responsibility to make sure the owner of the car is not negatively affected by their actions for example tier 1 wrecking the car so they have to pay 30-40k just for someone else stealing their car. IRL if a car's stolen you have insurance to cover it. The reason Ii think this should be covered by 2.5 is because players are negatively affected without any in-game reason. The only reason this wouldn't be added is staff wouldn't want admin+ fixing cars every once in a blue moon or you want to make it harder for players and expect us to buy car security systems just because you want people to spend more money in game.
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we call it lag or your car went to fast get over it.
no i agree with you back in the day people would steal my car and i had to pay 39k to repair it or smth
Personally, if you steal someones car in real life, they can get it spiked and trashed, dont understand why they dont allow it in perp.
we call it lag or your car went to fast get over it.
no i agree with you back in the day people would steal my car and i had to pay 39k to repair it or smth
Could easily be abused. If I stole someones car I didnt like,I could just drive too fast to make corners or drive into one of the signs in parker tunmel to make tjem pay 30k amd say its an accident in a report.

Has happened to me several times, had to pay 74,000$ to get it repaired once because the TFU van was parked in the middle of the highway so they could stop it (what are spikes for?).
Instead of 2.5, just edit 3.15
3.15 Vehicle Damage
Players are not allowed to take action that is likely to lead to the damaging of their vehicle (except speeding within reason), or a vehicle belong to a another player unless they have a good/reasonable reason for doing so; for example, driving off-road on uneven terrain or intentionally driving into sides of buildings without good/reasonable reason is not allowed. For a reason to be deemed as good/reasonable, the benefit of committing such actions must outweigh the drawbacks.
Might aswell not allowe people to raid.
Thats a pretty dumb idea, its YOUR responsibility to make sure your car isnt stolen. Thats why the extra car security is being sold in Ragnatech
Unlike many others I do support this idea.

There is currently only one good way of protecting your car from being stolen and it is putting on a Security Upgrade every time you spawn it, which is not very fun and very expensive.
Might aswell not allowe people to raid.
Thats a pretty dumb idea, its YOUR responsibility to make sure your car isnt stolen. Thats why the extra car security is being sold in Ragnatech
But then again you should have a reason to steal a car just like you do with raiding. You raid for profit (and fun) which outweighs the risk that come with 3.4, in PERP the only reason to steal a car is for joyriding and nothing else. You will never make any profit of it unless you manage to return the to a spot when you receive payment from like the owner but who does that? I've only witnessed people riding my car around the highway burning out all the fuel, collecting tickets and tier 1 wrecking it like a bunch of spergs because they can't handle the speed. Tier 1 damage should be disabled completely as your insurance would cover the costs if it meets their criteria (which would be if the car is completely closed and locked, wheel lock engaged, key not accessible in a easy to find spot, etc. basic stuff).

In Germany depending on the type of insurance you selected you would get the complete price of a new vehicle or buy price if your car is beyond repairable but since PERP allows you to repair your car in any type of state the Teilkasko would take over any costs as expected and you wouldn't have to pay a thing which makes sense in any given country so I don't see why this isn't already a thing. Just make it so that if your car was recently lockpicked AND someone who doesn't has key permissions crashes it you shouldn't have to pay for tier damage. I admit that this sounds very abusable for friends so better not make this a feature and make this part of the refund system that you'd have to fill out on the forums. That's how I see how this should be implemented.

Not sure how the car security would look like IRL. It basically discourages any kind of thief from even touching the door with their crowbar, I'd love to have that IRL.
Personally, if you steal someones car in real life, they can get it spiked and trashed, dont understand why they dont allow it in perp.
But in real life, there's insurance and you can be responsible for your actions. Never compare 'real' life with perp its retarded
This post gave me an idea, why not just make car theft covered by its own rule, like muggings and bank raids are?
Im not against people stealing cars at all. I'm fine with joyrides ect. Im just against someone not being able to control a car and "accidentally" tier 1 wrecking and killing themself so the owner has to pay to repair it when they've done nothing to be negatively affected.
It stopped the car for sure, and fully wrecked it in the process, was lots of fun
Instead of a rule it would be better to have it take half the cost from the bank account of the person who used a crowbar if they stage 1/2 it. This way they won't intentionally destroy it.

Or implement some sort of insurance you pay monthly to cover some cost of tier wrecking.
They'll just say buy car security every single time you join the server
I’m pretty sure I’ve seen this enforced under 2.5 before but yes. If someone steals my car it’s the worry of them smashing it up that is worst
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