Additional powers for staff.

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Topic: Adding two more powers for staff.

Short explanation (in notes):
- Ability to kick player out of vehicle, select mode with gawdstick, select player with an icon that appears above their head in the vehicle to kick and left click. Right click kicks every player in vehicle without the need of selecting anything.
- Ability to force a player to drop an item/all items from their inventory if refusing to drop via menu.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
There are a lot of players who refuse to get out of their vehicles, where as a staff member needs to either disable the vehicle or remove it. Instead of removing the vehicle and making roadcrew impound it/repair it, the player can be kicked from the vehicle.

The ability to force a player to drop a specific item or their entire inventory can come in handy if a player is being mugged but refuses to drop their items, getting themselves banned instead.

Optional additions:
- Give enforcers the ability to kick players from vehicles.
- Give enforcers the ability to force someone to drop items.
Well when a player decides to not drop their items even when an administrator tells them to. It's really no skin of my nose since it just tells me they're not willing to RP to a standard the server deems acceptable. It just worsens themselves and they end up getting banned anyway.

In a weird way by not having the ability to force players to drop their items. It seperates the good players and the skids.

I feel that it isn't really needed to be honest
I like the idea about the mugging feature. May be abused though but I hope the staff team can be trusted.
If I'm honest, the forced dropping of items isn't really needed since the player can just be banned for refusing to drop them. If it were to be added, however, I think it should be limited to administrator or above, since they are generally more trusted.
I'm neutral on the idea, since one of the features already exists and the other isn't really needed as I said above.

Already possible to force a user out of a vehicle.
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