Admin Failing

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i was being a cop and we had just arreested two suspekts when a blavk mustang drives by screaming get in the suspekts didnt get in so the mustnag backed away and then drove into the mass of ppl killing 2 officers and the cheife

i did report it in but the admin just closed my report two times totaly ignoring me
i dont know why he might have been freinds or mabey even the driver himself.

this happed just now so you could possebly find it all in the console.
You have to see it like this maybe the Admin that closed it has already took care of it. If not please provide a demo of that player that Cdmed.
i dont think so cause i stayed on scene and the mustang drove by two times afterwards
We dealt with that, I said in OOC we dealt with it. They were all banned by James. As James said, when they are closed it means they have been dealt with.
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