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is it ok to kill yourself if you RP it out right

is it ok if you are FX on the top of the garages and the policeforce are after you because of FX bank robbery. you are out of bullets and you are just too late to get on the train is it ok to kill yourself by jumping or not?
You know it's against the rules to use the monorail in a police chase right?

And no your not allowed to kill yourself. it's unrealistic. and ruins the rp for the cops
LEWIS 088 said:
You know it's against the rules to use the monorail in a police chase right?

And no your not allowed to kill yourself. it's unrealistic. and ruins the rp for the cops
How is it unrealistic? You would be shoked how many people kill themselves while fleeing from the police.
3.6 Stay Alive - Typically, players must, at all times, do everything in their power to prevent and/or avoid their own death.

3.19 Evading arrest - When Players are evading arrest, they must not do so unrealistically, for example if multiple police officers are chasing you on foot and you have no realistic chance of escape you should give up unless it would drastically affect the chances for your character to live a normal life. When evading arrest using a vehicle players must do so realistically and follow rule 3.4 when doing so. Players may not use the monorail if police are directly chasing them.