if v5 is a thing then morgan freeman is a white man from texas
im not going to buy it just for perp if it is like more than 20 euros

unless they make perp 2.0 and just remaster the entire gamemode
As far as current development goes, obviously a huge portion is focused on V5. While the team we have working on the map and the ideas are doing a good job, it is clear that it's a lot of work and people are getting burnt out. Perhaps some "trusted" individuals who have done work previously in terms of mapping can be delegated some tasks to work on in the meantime to speed up this process.

Multiple people with different ideas working on the same project is a difficult task, but adding 2-3 more people into the mix directly so that they're not working with no directive is a much better solution than the current rate that it's going at now.
As good as some change would be to freshen up the server, we have already tried to re-introduce this when the FPS improvement came and it was denied/closed.
basicly give us evo city or at the very least clear update logs on v5
Transparency? in what way. How would this even work?
When I work on things I do not plan todo it in advance, I just start doing it and then I'm done and push the update. Most of us work like this.
@Samuel bruh you acting like there is a team of 10 people working on v5 day in day out anyways wdym dev resources players have voluenteerd to write guides etcra
@aarondavid45 Do not call me "bruh", I am not your "bruh". I am not acting like there is a team of 10 doing anything, I have never said that. We are a select few that work on updates within this community, and all of us are very busy. Most of us have real jobs, a social life and can't really plan when we can do perp dev work.
Guides is the smallest issue when changing maps, who cares about the guides. Each map change has taken countless of hours. Changing to evo is the dumbest idea this month. Last time the server died after just a few hours, and we had to switch back to V4 to boost player count.
@Samuel What is there even to set up? You guys already did that when you switched to Evo ages ago, did you not?
@Exnem And it's like we haven't done updates since? and it's not like the evo positions were ever finished. So much wrong with them. This is not happening smh.
@Creepis Cuz the server was almost empty? and no one wanted to join. As soon as we switched to v4 people joined again.