As much as I love evocity samuel is pretty correct when he says that switching maps will take up development time. Believe it or not, samuels not actually a pensioner and works just like the majority of the dev team do, and allocating their free time for a map change, despite how fucking brilliant and fun and enjoyable it'd be for us who wants it, will also be met with heaps of negativity from people who can't run evocity properly as a map, which in turn would result in development time being essentially wasted.
The map revert was brilliant when it was executed due to timing and incredibly slow development due to limited resources and staff but seemingly the developers are actually working on updates, including a map change, and it'd be better to just allocate time to that.
Maybe we'll have evo back one day but the timing for such action at the moment, especially when new players are circulating into the community alongside players leaving, would be pretty poor.
It pains me to say this because I really want evo city back too, but at the moment it'd just be a spanner in the works of a process people are already believing to be heavily delayed.