Alfa Ross AR

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Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name: Darkskelly/Oskar Giles
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Sorle/Alfa Ross
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:51990442
Why Should This Player Be Punished: 2.5, I had just driven to junkyard from getting my car from Car Dealer and then got out and heard Alfa Ross mumble something then turn hostile and shot for no apparent reason
Evidence (Demo Required):
1. You drove up to an active shootout with a firearm on your back - I'm already on significant alert from that stage.

2. Previously (9 minutes prior), you had advertised a death threat towards @DB KILLER and via our characters previously interacting & observation over time, I knew who you were based on your appearance & your vehicle, as neither have changed im a significant period of time (6+ months) - based on this threat I'm aware your intention was to look for him & kill him, as he had scammed you for $50000.
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1.It wasn't really an active shootout as the entire time I was there i couldn't hear shots and also all of you were in car besides ur self and you had no weapon out so I had no clue.

2. By the time that advert was made I was told that he was already killed so I was no longer a threat to him as he had died so I wouldn'tve been able to kill him because of NLR and I can't recall the last time I interacted with you and telling you my name so the way you had got the information was looking at the name above my head because if you were already on high alert you would known it was me before I got out the car as you had said before, my apparance and car had not changed in 6 month so how come it was only when I got out the car and walked up to you that you killed me?
I was waiting for a proper time - pulling a gun right in front of you gives you time to react.

I'm around bazaar a lot & always have been - I see you around a lot and have interacted with you to some extent. At the time, I wasn't aware of DB's death & regardless, the principle of making a threat of death against a friend of mine gives me ample reason to kill you, especially when you seem to be looking for him with a weapon on your person.
@Sorle I really don't understand how a friend/org member of someone I threatened is allowed to kill me in cold blood, at least you could've gotten him to do it himself
@Oskar what difference does it make if he does it or i do it, it's perfectly reasonable
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