Allow firefighters to get bandages

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Allow firefighters to get bandages

Short explanation (in notes):
Allow firefighters to get bandages like paramedics and the police officers.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
I realised a few weeks ago that the paramedics was able to get bandages from the npc at the PD like the police officers.
Yesterday i told a firefighter about this and he had no idea that this was possible so he went down to the PD in an attempt to get a few bandages.
He wasen't allowed for some reason and i find this very unrealistic.
In most countries firefighters are educated in first aid and also carry stuff like bandages, cleanser towelettes and gauze rolls in their fire trucks.

Optional additions:
-Maybe even add it to the npc at the Hospital and the Fire Department so they dont have to walk/drive to the PD.
-Firefighters have more first aid knowledge then most police officers.
-Firefighters would be more helpful in shootouts they can heal the cops wile the paramedics revive the unconscious.
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Fire doesn't make you bleed, firefighters extinguish fire, they don't revive people nor need to bandage anyone they aren't medics. Firefighters in this do a lot less things than in real life if you haven't figured out yet.
Fire doesn't make you bleed, firefighters extinguish fire, they don't revive people nor need to bandage anyone they aren't medics. Firefighters in this do a lot less things than in real life if you haven't figured out yet.
Firefighters are allowed to respond to scenes such as shootouts to perform first aid while medics can focus on reviving people.

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