Allow the concealed carry of pistols citywide

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Ohio, United States of America
Is this a new law or a change to a current law: Change

What law do you wish to change/add:

7.3 Possession of Offensive Weapons​

Why should this change/addition be made: As the current law is citizens are not allowed to conceal carry pistols unless they are transporting them to from point A to point B correctly. I find that in many situations a civilian is able to defend themselves with a pistol from any robberies or assaults only by breaking law by illegally possessing a weapon. I have seen many situations of citizens walking around in dangerous areas with pistols only to have them taken by PD because it still a law break at the end of the day. Citizens if coming into contact with law enforcement officers should be required to inform them they are carrying a pistol on them if the law is to be voted in. In order to balance this citizens should only be required to inform police if the police stop them for investigation purposes only and police can't do a full search of the person only have the person disarm themself during the duration of the investigation.

What is the aim of this change/addition: It will allow them to freely carry a pistol on them to protect themselves in case something happens and they won't have to have the chance of losing the firearm if its found out they are in possession of one therefor allowing citizens to protect themselves even more without worry of any legal repercussions.

Additional Information: I know a similar suggestion was made a while guy for carrying firearms in the forest only but i feel it will be more beneficial for it to be city wide and for it to be concealed pistols.
Considering the absurd crime statistics in Paralake City, carrying a pistol around could potentially fall under 2.2 Necessity, so enshrining the right to carry a concealed pistol in the law makes sense.

Placing strict restrictions on this right would be great for RP and balancing. As Eric said, limiting where you can carry and the type of firearm permitted. I think anything concealable and can only be used in semi-automatic makes sense. It ensures that cops aren't outgunned and reflects the type of guns used IRL for self-protection.
cool suggestion and i don't necessarily disagree BUT

people do nothing but complain about perp being a PvP server constantly and realistically this would do nothing but contribute to that exact issue - this is a complaint I have many arguments against don't get me wrong, but I just don't feel like a change like this would be well-received amongst the whole community once the effects of it are actually realised
cool suggestion and i don't necessarily disagree BUT

people do nothing but complain about perp being a PvP server constantly and realistically this would do nothing but contribute to that exact issue - this is a complaint I have many arguments against don't get me wrong, but I just don't feel like a change like this would be well-received amongst the whole community once the effects of it are actually realised
You bring up valid points i just hate seeing people get fucked over trying to defend themselves half the time and i feel like it would solve that issue quite a bit. The law suggestion can always be reversed if it doesn't do well. I believe they had that option in mind for when right on red became legal i heard.
You bring up valid points i just hate seeing people get fucked over trying to defend themselves half the time and i feel like it would solve that issue quite a bit. The law suggestion can always be reversed if it doesn't do well. I believe they had that option in mind for when right on red became legal i heard.
That said though, you don’t have to scrap the idea as a whole. Muggable areas tend to be alleys, forest areas and such shady spots out of sight.

shady spots like drug dealer alleys are usually drug deals gone wrong so no reason to implement any laws there since both victim and mugger are probably criminals getting arrested anyway.

It would be reasonable to allow citizens to have guns on in the forest though to protect against “wild life,” including all the aforementioned benefits; this would additionally protect new players who have barely any money since they usually live in hick town. With this law, they legally can be able to have guns to protect themselves.
shady spots like drug dealer alleys are usually drug deals gone wrong so no reason to implement any laws there since both victim and mugger are probably criminals getting arrested anyway.
Idk man i've been mugged so many times in non mug zones. The victims always get released pending no DNA or anything and lose their gun more then half the time. I would like to see a citywide concealed pistol law. Sometimes people get randomly assaulted and use their gun to defend themselves but end up losing it as they had been illegally transporting it for some time.
Implement caliber / capacity limits for Concealed carry because then guns like Taurus 605, makarov, M1911 and PPK would have more of a reason to exist.
I just think this would confuse things for a lot of players…

Simple always feels better, if not all pistols are allowed it makes it very confusing!
cool suggestion and i don't necessarily disagree BUT

people do nothing but complain about perp being a PvP server constantly and realistically this would do nothing but contribute to that exact issue - this is a complaint I have many arguments against don't get me wrong, but I just don't feel like a change like this would be well-received amongst the whole community once the effects of it are actually realised
Eh if someone is going to break rules and kill cops without a reason they'll be banned whether they're using a pistol or otherwise. And if PvP is going to take place, it's going to take place whether it be with a pistol or an AS50. Regardless of the two previous points, most players conceal weapons throughout the city already, illegally.

Overall, I think this could be reasonably implemented as Paralake is meant to be an American city and it is not uncommon to concealed-carry for self defense here. I am suggesting that if this were to be accepted, a fleshed out test would become available at the Shooting Range in the city for players to take and pass in order to receive a Concealed Carry Permit (CCP), which would be an un-muggable item that players may carry on their person in order to display when necessary.
in certain places it should be allowed^ such as forest, subs - city? maybe not, business yea cuz well - business owners get their gambling money stolen or shit like that
Overall, I think this could be reasonably implemented as Paralake is meant to be an American city and it is not uncommon to concealed-carry for self defense here. I am suggesting that if this were to be accepted, a fleshed out test would become available at the Shooting Range in the city for players to take and pass in order to receive a Concealed Carry Permit (CCP), which would be an un-muggable item that players may carry on their person in order to display when necessary.
To add on to this it could also be put in the computer system that they have a CCP if devs don't want to create an actual model for the permit
I would like to hear what some of the old-timer staff has to say, why was the rules like this in the first place? Many servers has a ''gun license'' mechanic why not this one?

Sometimes it is good to hear why a rule was excluded or added in the first place even if it was ages ago.
I like the idea BUT

  1. Securing an area on perp is extremely difficult even with the law on your side, what are you going to do as an officer when 5/6 or more people are just outside of a shootout with pistols on them waiting for the best time to flank? Because this would most certainly happen. I mean, i’d fucking use it, it’d be extremely OP
  2. Pistols are extremely cheap, if you want to go into dangerous area I think you understand the risks and should be ready to lose your 5k pistol
  3. Even though this is a game allowing people to walk around with pistols will only increase the number of shootouts (just take the US as example lmao)
well not rly cuz that would also count as transportation
Yes really.

You can have a concealed weapon on your property, just because it’s a business shop doesn’t make it transportation.

Most bazaar shop owners will have a gun on them and that’s perfectly legal if they are staying in their shop.
CCW permits were almost a thing on the server but ended up getting shelved, I'd like to see the system return if possible
when 5/6 or more people are just outside of a shootout with pistols on them waiting for the best time to flank? Because this would most certainly happen. I mean, i’d fucking use it, it’d be extremely OP
This is pretty much already a thing. Happens all the time already
Pistols are extremely cheap, if you want to go into dangerous area I think you understand the risks and should be ready to lose your 5k pistol
This includes non dangerous areas to as ive been victim to muggings and shit in non mug zones
Even though this is a game allowing people to walk around with pistols will only increase the number of shootouts (just take the US as example lmao)
This really wont have much of an effect like that. Shootouts are already 24/7 in Paralake just gives people a chance not to face legal shit for defending themselves even though they are illegally transporting a pistol.