An Open Letter to the PH Staff Team

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Zagreb, Croatia
It's ya boy, Generic Twat A.K.A. the only player to receive the Best Shitposter™ of 2016 award here to give his eagerly awaited opinion on a few subjests that grind my gears.

Have some music to listen to while reading this

I've been playing in this hellhole since 2015, and a lil bit in 2020 and 2019. Through this time I've experienced the many ways in which the community has changed. Some of these were leaps forward, like the new systems and the expansion of the development team, and some were catastrophic falls down a very rugged staircase - one of these falls is taking place right at this very moment and the cause of it is the most unlikely of sources - the staff and development team. I will voice my opinion in a series of points which bring out my issues with the current staff team.
  1. Dealing with rule breakers: Let me be clear, I've always been a good boi™ in the community and (apart from a few forum and shoutbox bans) I've had a pretty clean record, something that I almost decided to use to my advantage when applying for enforcer, however due to my lack of interest in this community I threw that idea in the trash back in 2017. I've always had very high hopes for the staff team and I always had respect for them, because they enforced the rules very well - the punishments were strict to a point where crossing the intersection or running a friend over as a joke (something you can obviously do nowadays on the server) was met with extremely strict punishment, like a couple months of timeout from the server. Nowadays you'll see things like players breaking 3.4 time and time again only to be met with a slap on the wrist in the form of a warning or a week long ban for their transgressions which is usually appealed with a copy-paste ban appeal that boils down to murmuring sweet nothings into the ear of the poor bastard reading the post. I mean, fucking @Dapsas has like a quadrillion bans for 3.4 and lots of other players do too, yet they continue to break the rules time and time again with absolutely no self awareness. What does the staff team do about it? Try and guess.
  2. Public relations: If the PH staff employed a PR representitive RIGHT NOW, he would be dead from a self inflicted gunshot wound to the head in a week's notice. I'll use the recent AS50 situation as an example. While I will remain neutral on the in-game treatment of the situation because I wasn't present at the time of the RC incident, I will voice my disgust and dissatisfaction on the topic of the shameless damage control that occured on the forums. The staff team (more specifically the DEV team) had taken it upon themselves to ignore the entire shitstorm of VALID criticism directed towards them in the shoutbox and various threads made about them. From putting a 2 minute cooldown on the SB to making a distraction in the form of a suggestion to improve the buddy system - an idea which is totally unnecessary and an action that is extremely out of character for a server developer to make- make a suggestion in the middle of a situation on the edge of a very autistic and chromosome lacking coup d'etat. It is also worth mentioning that all of the criticism given to the poster of the thread, TinySlayer, in the form of dumb ratings had been changed in secret to informative ratings. in an attempt to deflect criticism. In general, the development team does not need any advanced powers that administrators and moderators have. They write code and test it on, from what I've gathered, a personal test server. Why the hell are they called server devs if they will just do the same shit as administrators whose sole job is rule enforcement? In addition, jokes seem to be banned on the forums. You can't even make a joke comment (not a post, a fucking comment which takes up no space on your screen) without it being removed - the reason being "Don't be stupid" or "Don't be an idiot", something along those lines - I've asked a friend in the staff team regarding who is making these inappropriate passive-aggressive insults towards players and was met with this:
    I wonder why members think the staff fucking blows?
  3. Organisation: I'd say this is the second worst offender of them all. The staff team, instead of banning rule breakers who have been actively breaking the rules on the server for MONTHS and continually break the rules with no intention of stopping are instead banning supposed 'cheaters'. Now, I hate cheaters like the next guy but the range of evidence that is provided for these supposed cheaters ranges from concrete proof to a mere hunch. I'll take Aquaa's situation as an example where a regular and reputable player who has been playing for ages was convicted of cheating and banned immediately, but was luckily unbanned because the staff had no fucking evidence of him cheating. Gee I wonder if this whole situation could've been avoided by the staff having, you know, evidence? In addition they removed the dumb rating for basically no reason and with no questions asked. The rating has been used for half a decade, why are you removing it now? I guess you can't change dumb ratings to informative ratings if the dumb rating is removed!!!! Whats next, you're gonna remove the ability to post from users that aren't in the staff team? Another thing that I'd like to mention is the fact that there are 3 staff members that are completely inactive and have been inactive for ages but have kept their rank.
All of these things combined are a big influence in the downfall of this community.
I can’t really comment on all of the comments because I keep my head low and don’t spend much time near the staff but will say the punishments are BS atm.

All I ever see are people driving round recklessly for no reason and cop baiting, there seems to be no punishment for those who act like they are on a dark rp server and no reward for those who try to follow the rules.

If people don’t wanna rp, get them on scam bans!