Map Suggestion Another Apartment, More Housing!

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Paralake Police Department Cell 7
Suggestion Title: Another Apartment, More Housing!
Suggestion Description: Okay, so as we all know the server is getting a little cluttered nowadays. I think we should remove some pointless areas on the map and replace it with either something more interactive or some more apartments/large base areas for people as there isnt much room anymore for people. I come online daily and struggle to rent an apartment!

I'm just saying, who ever bases in the old trailer or hungries? Why not replace them for something a bit more practical like a couple of small apartments...?

I know its hard to find someone to actually dedicate their time toward a map update but cmon can someone from the community or something atleast put some try in?

Why should this be added?:
- Because the server is getting too big now, the same map has been in place for too long and it needs a lil change!

What negatives could this have?:
I suggested more underground stuff recently, apparently nothing more can be added to the map
Although we desperately do need more apartments of some kind they'll have to figure something out
Personally I'dd love more basements and stuff, as it'd make for a pretty cool torture vibe or drug lab, aswell as extra housing and other roleplay scenario's. I remember vaguely hearing something about the possibility of adding more to maps, but I'm afraid we'll have to wait and see. Exciting for what they'll come up with though if there is a V6
The problem is big organisations basing in multiple apartments IMO, would people say this is a fair statement?
isn't there any map creators in the community who could test some things and make something?
Lelios is working on a new version of the map, though its not easy to just add some things out of nowhere due to limits. I'm pretty sure he is doing whatever he can and perhaps theres also some more solutions like Ethan stated above.
It's not the fault of big organisations, if you only give apartments two table slots of course they will go over multiple apartments
If I'm completely honest, my first priority would be either 1. more shops or 2. make Business Shops more attractive. Right now, anyone that doesn't get a bazaar shop is pretty much just screwed.
It's not the fault of big organisations, if you only give apartments two table slots of course they will go over multiple apartments

Buy a bigger place like Parker, Office or Glass Co. The problem is why aren’t these being used?

I think it’s because a lot of the industrial buildings are easy to wallbang and are require more props to setup.

Be curious to hear other opinions on this.
Buy a bigger place like Parker, Office or Glass Co. The problem is why aren’t these being used?

I think it’s because a lot of the industrial buildings are easy to wallbang and are require more props to setup.

Be curious to hear other opinions on this.
Both are super annoying to defend, especially parker. You just bomb the garage doors and you're massively exposed to sniper fire
I think it’s because a lot of the industrial buildings are easy to wallbang and are require more props to setup.
Slums/Projex all only have 1 entrance to an apartment so it becomes really easy to defend. Anything bigger and your average player will have an aneurysm trying to defend multiple angles.
Slums/Projex all only have 1 entrance to an apartment so it becomes really easy to defend. Anything bigger and your average player will have an aneurysm trying to defend multiple angles.
Both are super annoying to defend, especially parker. You just bomb the garage doors and you're massively exposed to sniper fire

So fire-escape onto slums and projex?
Both are super annoying to defend, especially parker. You just bomb the garage doors and you're massively exposed to sniper fire

What if you made the Garage Door unable to be blown up? ofcourse wouldn't count towards the base door count then, but it could eliminate the sniper threat
The problem is big organisations basing in multiple apartments IMO, would people say this is a fair statement?
I reckon a lot of this problem comes from chem table space, as really every apartment is only ever really good for 2 players. If the chem spot spaces were increased, it could lead to fewer apartments being bought as they don't need the space to dry or do meth, etc.
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