Appealing for Kenty @fredy

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Reaction score
Appealing for: Forum Ban/Server Ban/ TS Ban

Appeal type: Apology Which staff member banned you: Fredy

How long were you banned for: CWB

Your Steam/Forum Name: Kenty Your In-game Name: Kenty Inagawa

Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:157864594

Why were you banned/blacklisted:

I was just chilling one night after coming back from work and all of a sudden I see my friends posting an inside joke of ‘2 n’s kissing in shoutbox and I basically joined the bandwagon and tried to post a funny photo but of course it’s not funny to others and I didn’t take that into consideration. This is my fault. I made a dispute and realised that the link to the photo itself is toxic and I didn’t recognise it when I found it and that is completely on me.

I have nothing against you Fredy and I understand your anger towards me especially after you find out the other things I’ve done that have basically toppled me on to the perma ban. I’m not a person who hates this server, I’m not toxic when it comes to the server or other people, I normally join in with banter and I didn’t seem to understand why I was banned at first but now I’m fully aware.

In comparison to the other perma bans from the shoutbox incident I don’t think my post of that one picture is on a level compared to other things people have done or said on the forums. I do wish to return and I’ve sent appeals for my original ban and I’ve contributed to the forum suggestions for the server.

I won’t be posting stupid things in the shoutbox and my situation in no way relates to Jay Hatch and it was simply me joining my friends and the bandwagon of common inside jokes and pictures we post.

Additional Comment(s): I’m not a very toxic person and I hadn’t received a forum ban for a year or a server ban for 2 years and I consider myself to be a known member on the server and forums and I should do better with representing the server to any people who may look to me for help or etcetera. I’ll be careful next time when going about on forums.
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