Application Information

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United States of America

Just here to give you some information about making organization applications and what guidelines you should follow when making them.
For your convienence I have provided a list below;

- Follow the organizations application format. ( If they do not have one, you will find a reccomended one to use when applying. )
- Show that you are mature enough to be in an organization
- Show that you can be in the organization and follow it's concepts, wether thats being a Hitman group, or being a security team make sure to show proof that you can follow this and be in the organization and provide them with what they need.
- When making an application try to make it clear what organization you are applying for. For example [The Corleone]
- Don't be disrespectful; treat this section like the Enforcer applications section.
- Most of all, be respectful and don't be a sore-loser if you don't get in. Just try again another time!

The only persons that are allowed to post stuff in the specific applications are; The Leader and/or Org Admins, the player applying and Server Adminstrators.
//Closed - To protect against unneeded posts. You can post update messages if you like, but other than that I think that it should remain closed due to the reason I previously listed.
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