AR Alexander Fernadez

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Roobaine
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Alexander Fernadez
His/Her SteamID: N/A
Why Should This Player Be Punished: He MGed really hard, here how's it started. He asked me for a lift, and I said.. What are you paying? He said 2k, so I was like.. Okay, than he said he have to visit a bank at bazaar. So I drove him there, and then he took off. I was like... What? And then I started chasing him, and I finally got him at "Glasglow"? If that's how it called, behind the cardealer. And then we started fighting, I started punching him because I said that I will get him etc. And we started figthing, then from 200m away he ran towards the back of the factory and I see 2 other people, 1 with a shotgun and 1 with a deagle, starting shooting with me. I said, I will report you if you kill me. And he said to his friend, give me the gun, I will kill him myself. So he did, I got the DEMO from Gmod, but no sound. But now you got the story, I have informed him about he's getting an AR at the forums. So he metagamed reaaaal hard, we was so far away from ANYONE that noone should have heard us, he didn't even use a mick. He didn't even stand still, he couldn't have the time to contact anyone, probably over PM(on steam) but not using his cellphone or anything. It's MG:ing on a high level. I have informed him, Regards Roobaine.
Evidence (Demo Required):
Tick: N/A
Alexander is in my org and he pressed his panic button and we asked him where he replied with outside this n*gger is punshing me so i came out with a remi gunpointed him telling him on the ground and then i gagged him and he kept talking so yeah...
@Wowrobin10, You can't say that "I will report you if you kill me" as that would be 3.24 however you are new to the server so I think you just need to read over the rules. Furthermore at what time did this occur? As if it was day there are usually mods/admins online etc. So you just need to use the /report function. As well as this @cardstarvipe said that he used org chat, is it possible to get any screenshots or so? Also you can talk in org chat, which is text based and if he triggered his panic button then I don't think it would be metagaming. Although I don't think he should have killed you as it would have been 3.4 because instead of paying 2k he would rather spend 10 years in jail. However I am not sure about this, let's just wait for a member of staff or someone with more experience than I do.

Well, can you provide the PROOF of metagaming?

Maybe he just used the org chat and brought his friend(s), thats so simple.
Of course, you're all on his side, I accept that. Well yes, I was talking OOC that I will report him. Anyhow, noone, stands completely still and get punched at IN REAL LIFE and contacts a FRIEND to help him. You have NO time to do that, so ye. But if you say so, he can stand still while I'm punching him without HE even feeling anything and not roleplaying fear, if I was Alexander, I would have just RP fear, told him that I will pay him, then press his "Panic button" and call his friends over /org chat, not in the middle of a fight. It's unrealistic, but of course, everyone is one his side, why not, that works. And don't tell me I'm new to this server, I've been here for over 2 years, but I've been playing alot more serious roleplay servers on GTA, this is just BS if he had the time to contact anyone. I got 5 days play time, so no, I'm not new, I know the rules, but that is just UNREALISTIC as hell. But if you don't wanna punish him, fine, keep on having unrealistic no-fear people on the server who just breaks the roleplay. I was not even gonna kill him, I just wanted to talk with him, then he started to run even further so I threaten him to stop, then I took the action to start punch him, but no, of course not, no fear. He instead calls his friend, try to show me that he got power and grabs the shotgun and kills me. Don't come with no BS "he maybe used is ORG chat", As I said, no fear. Obviously, noone IRL would just take shit and try to call his friend if he's getting beaten down on the street... but OK.

The user used the organisation chat to call for backup. It's not against the rules for his friends to kill you while you're attacking him/attacked him.
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