AR Fasool Joker

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Dee

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Fasool

His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:94791413

Why Should This Player Be Punished: 2.5

Fasool killed me as i posed no threat at the time.
There was no way he could have tied me in that situation but a simple "Fuck off" would have done and i would have obeyed a man with a big gun.

I think my intention are greatly misunderstood because of my poor wording when i first posted it. I was scavenging for guns to assist my friends and hopefully save their lives. I was on my way to storage to get a gun then return straight to church, along the way i seen a SWAT officer killing a few people maybe they have guns and save me a trip and i could start helping quicker. I noticed SWAT killed a man with an Ak and i had Ak mags on me at the time so i was waiting for a window to grab the Ak and flank everyone at the church. Me getting the gun was purely to benefit me and my friends and it was not for cash profit.

What i was thinking at the time was grabbing this Ak right here after the SWAT is gone would save me a whole trip to storage just to return to church.

Anyway i feel like this is an AR on me and i need to keep defending myself
This is an AR on Fasool
I don not believe 3.4 was broken on my end because:
I would have been returning to the shootout after i got a gun from storage
I had a plan and i intended on sticking to it
Getting that Ak would have meant quicker aid for my friends who were getting shot up
I was waiting for a perfect chance to get the Ak so not to minge grab

I think fasool had more than a chance to come confirm the identity of me, He shot me the first few times and i did not return fire which any cop would do. Secondly he would have heard me bandaging which you can only do unarmed and would have been safe to come and see i was not a cop. Now i know the adrenaline was probably high and it was heat of the moment but he had a few chance to confirm i was no officer of the law.

Evidence (Demo Required):
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You do understand that putting money/weapons before your life is in fact breaking 3.4? You should not have done this. Your life ALWAYS comes first. = It resulted in you dying.

Normally, being in a crime scene can be argued. But here you have CLEARLY stated your intent to put weapons before survival.

Tagging @Fasool so he can explain whatever he can.
    1. " Yeah i know but i didn't think i would actually be shot down, i showed SWAT i was no threat by surrendering as you can see in the video also fasool clearly seen i was unarmed. I would only be in danger if i was actually armed."
You do understand that rules do not transfer into real life, by being in a crime scene like this you have shown you are apart of the situation and are more than likely to be dangerous. In real life you would have bailed full speed, look at the recent terrorist attacks. The moment people hear a single explosion/bullet within 200 meters, they scatter for their lives. So by saying that you would only be in danger if you were armed is quite ridiculous, claiming that being unarmed allows you to break rules, be in dangerous situations and expect to always be unharmed. (Too long to comment)
its unrealistic to follow a swat around in a shootout, he may of shot you but you shouldnt of been there in the first place, and also why dont you ask him his side of the story if may be explained better. -Support
What you guys obviously do NOT understand is that it doesn't really matter if @Dee broke rules. This AR is for fasool and I can easily say that he broke 2.5 as Dee was no threat to him whatsoever and didn't make any aggressive moves towards him.

And yeah Dee scavenging weapons is a form of 3.4 even though in this case it isn't in my opinion as the shootout was in a large open area with a lot of trees making him able to take a gun really fast and then go away.
Hello, never had an AR on me for a while. Let me explain everything here. Now, I was at the church where they needed help because apparently a shootout www going on. I arrived, took my AK out of the trunk and started shooting the cops and "The Sanchez Family". While I was walking between the trees I saw your flash light, when I came next to it I saw a S.W.A.T officer which I immediately killed. I still didn't get a good look at you so I thought that since you didn't run away after I killed him and stayed in the same place you must be a cop, you were also standing above the S.W.A.T and the swat didn't do anything about it which confirmed to me that you were a cop. So I decided to shoot you from a long range. I'll be posting my POV whenever needed, but for now I think you broke 3.4 by going into an active shootout when you were unarmed and had nothing to do with it. You should've also ran away when you had the chance. My point is it was really dark there and the whole time I thought you were a cop. Not to mention most of them were armed men who were my enemies, this got me into a really heated situation where I had to hide behind the trees and just shoot everyone from a long range whenever I can, and when I reached the stairs to get a better view of the ongoing situation I was surprised to see a S.W.A.T with what seemed to be a cop above him. I don't just go in a killing spree and kill everyone.

If you need my POV then I will go ahead and post it, but other than that you can clearly see in the video I didn't get a good glimpse of Dee, and since he stood in his place while he got shot at I thought it must've been a cop. It also shows how I shot him through the woods because of his flashlight. How else would I shoot him through the trees without seeing him? If you wanted to stand in a crime scene with an ongoing shoot out then expect to get shot. You won't just walk freely, grab a weapon, and walk away safely. [Important Note] Another thing that confirmed to me that he was a cop was the "Bank robbery dispatcher". When I killed the S.W.A.T it alerted him that there was a bank robbery, after killing him the dispatcher was still talking and I thought it was coming from @Dee whom at that time I thought was a cop. I wish that whoever is dealing with this AR hop on teamspeak with @Dee so that we could discuss the situation and end it.
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If you know there is a shootout why would you risk getting caught in the crossfire over a few guns?

From what @Fasool has described I believe the first time he shot you was just reactions, then the second time, you can see flashlights through trees and by staying in a shootout and not running for your life (After already being shot) you stayed. This led fasool to believe that you were a cop and shot you.

Its your own fault tbh, don't want to get shot by accident? Don't run into shootouts for no reason.
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I think what's often not taken into account when dealing with AR's (cough and cough) is that these situations are fuelled by adrenaline and to be honest in my eyes, anything that could be a threat is fair game.

It's also worth mentioning that you can justify shooting an unarmed person in certain situations, especially if your intention is to arm yourself with an AK-47 as you so clearly were here.

You should not have been stood behind the SWAT officer and nor should you have ran towards gunfire; surely this breaks rules 2.1, 3.4 and 3.6?

In addition to this, you had just witnessed first hand the murder of a police officer and were a possible liability; Fasool is just covering his own back.
From what I can gather, this is clearly a case of 2.5 excessive negativity. Clearly you were crouched and he should had realized that you were not a SWAT officer.

Ideally he should had told you to fuck off instead of shooting you which lead to your death.

This AR is so pathetic in so many ways...

Being as I was the one who killed half the people at Church, the majority of them being unarmed, and none of them even made a report in game, because they knew that they were part of the wrong org, and in the wrong place at the wrong time. However you on the other hand weren't even in the wrong place at the wrong time, you just walked into the wrong place (knowing it was the wrong place) and walked in to a firefight at the wrong time (which you also knew). I can only wonder what was going through your head walking into a on going shootout not thinking there is a possibility to be shot.

I understand you just wanted to get yourself a cheeky AK, but firstly, why the hell would any of our org members let you take an AK which we risked our lives to get, and/or someone in our org died and dropped it. Surely you must have more than 1 brain cell and realize who ever won the gun fight (org/police) that they wouldn't let you take a gun. In addition to this, why on gods earth could you please educate me; why were you standing directly above a SWAT officer after he in other words just said 'I'm fucking Ima die please send backup', and after you got 9000 bullets sprayed into you, why did you just stand there, why not run the fuck away?

Please don't make AR's cause your salty that you didn't get an AK when clearly no rules were broken; all rules have grey areas, trying to pick a rule someone has 'broken' which clearly would be fine in the RP circumstances is just being a minge.

Rant over.

The user @Fasool will not receive any punishment for his actions. However as stated by @Chrissy, you did indeed breach 3.6 by endangering your life by staying around an area involving a shootout. It's fair enough if you needed to pass the area to deal with something, but you just stood there spectating, as if you were involved in the shootout. You will receive a warning for breaking 3.6.
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