AR Jeffer Cake

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Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name: @Synatec / Carter Smith

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: @Jeffer Cake / Jeffrey Geeza

His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:41796970

Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.4 | 3.6
I was betting in his store until I did a bet with 200k which I won. He then proceeded to gunpoint me and scam me.

About 20 minutes later he got found and got arrested by @jimmythehamster and he took him to the bank to withdraw the money. After a bit of chatting an officer walks into the loreman's office and tells us Geeza's friends are coming to help. We then see the officer get shot in the back of her head while @Jeffer Cake says: "Really?". @Jeffer Cake then walks out the loreman's office, into the line of fire and gets shot by his own friends breaking rule 3.4 and rule 3.6. This all happened when he needed to go to his "driving lessons" thus needed to go AFK.

For everyone that is going to say that forced withdrawals aren't allowed, for police it is allowed when it is stolen.
5.2 Forced Withdrawals
In order to help preserve gameplay, players may not attempt to force other players to withdraw funds from an ATM machine/transfer funds from the mobile banking application from their phone. In addition, players may not force other players to withdraw items from their storage boxes/trunks, unless they are lawfully searching a storage container under Section 3 of the Paralake Penal Code.
3.6 Right to Search
Law enforcement officers may search a vehicle belonging to a detained person if it is believed that the vehicle contains evidence which is believed to be related to a crime that the Law enforcement officer has reasonable belief has been committed inside the vehicle and or a crime in which the vehicle has been used, a Law enforcement officer may also search any person who is detained for anything that the detained person is believed to be in possession of relating to the investigation for which they are detained, Law enforcement officers may also search any arrested person in their custody for any evidence of a criminal offence
So as you can see police officers are allowed to do a forced withdrawal in a scenario like this.

Evidence (Demo Required):
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Youtube Video

Tick: 10500

@Jeffer Cake
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Firstly just to get things straight about cops getting players to withdraw money, it is against the rules I believe. In rule 5.2 it literally says the only time cops can make you get things out is if they need you to get something out of STORAGE, not ATM.

Right, so here it is from my POV.

I got told that my friends were coming to help, so as soon as I saw the officer get gatted and he ran inside the room with me, I thought it would be a perfect opportunity to run out, run to my friends and for them to just drive away without having to actually stay there too long. I'm assuming this was @Standish 's plan as well, as I'm sure he wasn't wanting to take on the whole police force.

Unfortunately this went wrong like all my attempts do, and as I ran out standish must of mistaken me for a cop and gatted me to the ground.

Once I black screened I went for my driving lesson, with the instructor rather happy that he got to sit on his arse for 10 minutes doing nothing while stealing my $$$
Okay so the money was in his bank so there is no way the money could have been forcefully withdrawn within the rules. Aside from that, he was obviously just trying to get out because he was going to go in for 10 years so the risk for his life would have been worth it compared to the sentence. This AR doesn't really make sense when you look at how long he was going in for, he just wanted to avoid going to jail so he ran, plain and simple.
Do not reply to administrative processes if you weren't directly involved!
He is not in the wrong because, people In Real Life would rather die than have a 10 year sentence and he was just trying to escape from it. I don't think he was trying to die he was just trying to escape and In Real Life people would put their life at risk to escape that, and I mean they would, even if their chance of dying is high AF.
All of your points make little to no sense and indeed Geeza is perfectly innocent in this situation.

Would like to start off with you saying that he violated 5.2 but money can't necessarily be marked as an illegal item and/or can't really be proven to be "his money" even if he did place the money within the storage. Furthermore, how could Geeza break that rule if the officer never attempted to use /mes or attempt to do anything IC. That is like me being on a bridge and saying I am going to kill my self LOOC, exactly doesn't make sense in the least bit slightest. He clearly doesn't break any rules in that situation on that specific rule. 5.2 is only applicable when he fails to comply in an OOC thing instead of saying it only in LOOC.

You accusation of 3.4/3.6?
Doesn't make sense either how could he be breaking a rule by running into a door way by doing so. In the beginning you can see @ShadowJoey running into the door screaming that there are people outside of the bank and then Geeza attempts to run out of the door and clearly he made his way out. You saying that in mid shootout is a bit silly and can be proven from the get go. He clearly makes a run for it and as seen in the video if he stayed in there he more then likely would have been shot just like you. Cause the last time I check if you have a red heart on the corner of your screen it means that you are indeed bleeding and the only cause of this happening in this sit was getting shot.

Clearly in the situation Geeza would have made it out alive and would haven't been shot if the person rescuing him didn't spray. He was killed in crossfire(Which you were affected by) or they accidentally shot him due to misidentifying him.
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