AR - Liam Belinsky / Robin Ljungberg DC'ing during a raid.

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United Kingdom
Your Steam/In-game Name: (And my STEAM ID)
InfectedYoU (Derome Hussain)

His/Her Steam/In-game Name:

Liam Belinksy & Robin Ljungberg

His/Her SteamID:

Robin's Steam: STEAM_0:0:61764163
Liam's Steam: STEAM_0:0:6003289

Why Should This Player Be Punished:

Me as a SWAT officer with my partner Alex Quality (IGN). Were raiding an apartment building after shots were fired in the area and Alex had alerted a /panic to call for my assistance.
The evidence provided clearly shows the events that occurred and therefore a long story will be cut short:
Rule 6.5:

"When disconnecting from the server players must ensure that they are not a part of any role-play or administrative situations, this includes being unconscious. It is also prohibited for a player to disconnect from the server with the sole intention of saving possessions."
Rule 3.18:
"While a player’s life is in immediate danger players must not use their storage boxes/trunks
to avoid losing valuable items that the player is currently holding on their person."
Rule 1.1: (Basic Conduct - Disrespectful Behaviour):
"" - I aren't even going to quote this rule.
Both of these players disconnected from the server, moments after they were killed - completely ruining the RP, leaving us unable to arrest the players / or finish conducting a search. I feel they tried to save any dropped weapons and definitely save their drugs from capture.

I know myself or other players in the video may of broken some rules during this clip but it was already suspected that these players might pull some kind of swift exit to get out of losing their stuff.
(Picking up items during raid) (going OOC during gameplay).

I'd like to say that I feel the RP was completely negated when the offending players left the game. all 3 of the people left in the game broke character because of this: and made the whole raid feel pointless and aggravating, rather than exciting or rewarding.

It is still unknown at this point if the player Robin had anything valuable he wanted to save (other than his weapon?). But the valuables of the player Liam Belinsky were already on show, and shows a clear violation of RP as an attempt to save money etc.

Evidence (Demo Required):
^as I use a shadow recorder at all times, this was the most appropriate method of upload for me.


Specific times of DC (In-Video time):
0:00 - 3:02 - Entire clip as evidence of raid.
1:15 - Liam clearly using a storage chest during a raid (life in imminent danger).
2:00 - Robin DCs
2:35 - Shows drugs found in a room.
2:40~2:55 - Liam DCs

I already know that I've broken rules myself in this video: and then handed you the evidence to prove it, but a situation like this is not acceptable at all, and I expect appropriate action to be taken.
Earlier in the game was already a bit heated and may provide a bit of background to their anger / frustration.

But showing 2 counts of simply 'being an arse' isn't really the community I was expecting - given the seriousness of the RP.

I can upload the demo too if it is needed.

Thanks for taking the time to read and discuss this AR - I understand it may take some time, i'm willing to be patient and keep myself available for discussions as often as possible.

Thank you.
First of all, brilliant structure and explanation on this AR! Exemplar. Anyway, going on topic - when someone accesses their storage container, whether that's storage inside a house or vehicle storage trunk, it will do an automated /me indicating that the player is accessing the storage container. In the video we fail to see that appear, of course it is a possibility that you were out of the radius of the message, however you were reasonably close to Liam for quite a while, so it could be a possibility that he was not accessing his storage, doesn't really seem like something Liam would do either? Regardless, a staff member will have to check the logs to check is storage was accessed so you might want to provide an exact time this incident happened if you haven't already.

Moving on, I think it's fair to say (which is judging by the looks of it) that both of the players didn't intend to cause these issues when they left, it does look like both players waited a decent amount of time for everything to be picked up - however, they really should of communicated this in the Out of Character chat. But as I mentioned, I highly doubt they left the server with the sole intention to save their possessions. However I would say that have still broken 6.5.

Lastly... as you mentioned, you have broken some rules on this. I really would not be surprised if you'll receive a punishment for the 4.14 by picking up the controlled substances midway through the raid. Plus, I doubt you can justify breaking law 11.11 by shooting the armed male facing the wall? Anyway, I'm sure the staff member dealing with this will act appropriately.

I'm sure @Liam and @Robin Ljungberg will be able to explain themselves ;)

EDIT: Creepis has said that the /me is currently broken for accessing storage, so a staff member will have to check through the logs if it was accessed.

Creepis: The automated /me no longer appears since the storage update, trunk however works fine.
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Alright so let's start off with the first thing that FIRST happen, Me, Liam and Ellena were basing in appartment 3, we had music on. Everything seems normal. The guys in the appartment 4, Drake Fernesto, Joe Baggers (or whatever hesnamed) , Derome Hussian and i think 1 more was there didn't get his name tho. So yeah, me and Liam had some music on and apparently they got upset about it so they started to Spray through the floor with their guns, to me its breaking 3.4 for no reason? Because they are risking their life in prison because of a radio? Doesn't really add up to me.

So the situation gets even worse, we started to defend ourselfs me and @Liam .. It cooled off for some minutes until the cop came and wondered what was going on, of course they take this Cop Hostage so me and Liam attempted to help this cop, but they killed him before i could get up there, (I killed Joe) then later on died, these guys later on then attempted to Raid Liam when he was left inside the appartment.. They sadly failed, they all died to Liam , so yeah i respawned, waited out my NLR, we got back to our appartments , and yeah someone of them started saying ''Im going to fucking kill them now downstairs'' I see he went for his gun in his ''Storage'' i belive. We AND THEM started shooting through the floor for some dumb reason (Wasen't me that shot)...

After this , nothing happen i then suddenly got killed Through the Floor they started spraying with AK's i belive, for some idiotic reason... Then their friends went to be SWAT and they raided us, Drake as you can see in the video helped them, and the SWAT Officer Derome in this case didn't do anyting to restrain Drake in this situation he just watched him gun down his ''Cop Friend''...

To me this is just them being Salty because they lost the raid... So basically They broke NLR and loads of other rules (as you can see in the video, he still killed LIAM even tho he was no threat, i bet they just wanted that AK and the ninja picked the drugs.. Its all just because of the money, as they clearly had no intention to Roleplay before this situation..

And that i disconnected, i made sure that i didn't have any drugs in the house, the ONLY THING I HAD was the Props.. Nothing else, if i had drugs and guns etc, i wouldn't disconnected. So yeah, that is my ''Respond'' to this hilarious Action Request..
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I'm sorry, sadly my internet died and the router is in my dads room who was asleep at the time I already reported my lag in LOOC before hand.

You guys tried to raid me once and you all died so I wouldn't of minded killing you again, I took a screenshot of my screen when loss of connection was active too.

Currently writing this from my phone, sorry for the now confusion but in all honesty you broke rules and just for this pathetic AR I will prove it in the one I make later today.

@Jordan yeah I wouldn't do anything like this, I think most people know that. I will upload evidence when I go on my computer soon :)
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What i can contribute as a witness, swat did not respond to the correct call i was asking him to breach regals 4 not 3, and he went directly to breach number 3... this is org biased became swat to breach into enemy apartment by force with swat. I heard gun shots from the top floor not the 3rd floor. although drugs were found but it did not belong to the user who disconnected and the user to my knowledge didnt have drugs in produce.
Some order needs to be brought to this thread.
You're commenting and replying with neither a reasonable explanation Nor evidence of anything whatsoever.

Take more than 60seconds to write your reply and bring your evidence. Clearly the demo from hours before is needed with an even clearly argument to what it is you're trying to do.

it's already been stated that we died and respawned. By the time the raids on both sides had ended, the dust settled, and all was forgotten as it is in coincidence with the RP. +20 minutes or so after we originally died, me and Joe Baggers were in the apartment 4 (directly above), and suddenly 4 full AK clips are fired into us. completely out of nowhere.
Liam genuinely believes he is above all of you in this game.
He even stated at an earlier part of the game that he was "untouchable" due to his relations and connections amongst the server.
This is completely unacceptable

I don't know if I can even ask this, as I can't even block people from posting. but please. This is an action request to the admins and appropriate members of staff on the server.

Please decease from replying with your spam and 'banter' with your -mates- on my AR.

Thank you.

EDIT: I'm clearly outweighed but the sheer number of friends on the server, given your reputation(s) - and I would appreciate you just answering to the AR with your defence (and then offence) where it is fit. I have nothing to do tonight and will gladly spent the whole time finding moments where you have gone out of your ways to disrupt us.
EDIT2(6:51am): ALSO NOTE: The comment regarding the person I know (Drake). I break role at exact moment the first player leaves the game. Try to recuperate. and bump into another DC.
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@InfectedYoU™ I dont see how anybody how anybody is spamming on this post.

As you can see Liam is not even facing the storage box. Since you died did you even bother talking to them? Who was the man with the Ak-47 behind you? Why didnt you arrest him he was in a crime scene.
Okay now I'm on my computer.

First of all @InfectedYoU™ I do not think I am above anyone I'm a normal user. I do not hold any power of anything other than any other member does. I was joking around but of course you wouldn't mention the bit where I actually said I was joking would you.

As I mentioned above my internet crashed I had no power over what happened I could not fix it as the router is located in my dads room who was asleep at the time. If you do not believe me ask @Ash

I was nowhere near the storage box when I crashed, see proof below.


For the rest of it, you guys took a cop hostage of nothing. You were shooting through the floor due to our radio and continuously spamming the metal detector noise, tried to raid and failed. The second time around you breached for WHATEVER reason is unknown and that is when I crashed as you can see above.

Thanks for the effort of the action request though, looks pretty.
Okay now I'm on my computer.
Thanks for the effort of the action request though, looks pretty.

I can't even respond to this complete and utter nonsense. Your post lacks integrity on all levels and doesn't even provide yourself with a defence?!? you want me to take a photo of my sisters, post it, and say: "Sorry guys, all this was done by my sisters ( Nice try though ;) )" Speechless at your disregard for the rules and frankly the lack of fucks you give.

Just for the record. The timing of this 'crash or DC or whatever other bullshit you wanna say" is very convenient. your friend has JUST died. Right next to you. In camera shot. and your internet had JUST died right as he did. once your friend with the decent-ish aim was down, and you knew you were beaten. you left.
like a coward.
like someone who believes they are invincible.

if you want me to go through the demos and find you spraying your magazines through our floor, years after the NLR, years after RP had finished. Then so be it. But it will have to wait until I am back.

I truly hope an example is made of you. Not only for my sake, but to show when hard evidence is presented - something is done about it.

I'm away for about 10 hours. let's leave it to the big boys to focus on for a while.
Why are you raiding him without LT's permission? And you also wallbanged twice there could be innocent people behind that wall.You are making this AR but instead it only shows that you are the one breaking several rules, what can i say, gg.
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During the video evidence provided, I see you first breaching the property, throwing a flash-bang, and then proceeding to try and wall-bang the suspects, without having confirmed that there's no civilians behind that wall. You also confiscated the drugs before the scene had been cleared/secured, which is a clear violation of 4.14 - Evidence seizure.

You then proceed to shoot towards Ellena, an unarmed person, before you then gun down Liam as he is facing a wall. The issue here is that you shot at Ellena, a clearly unarmed person/civilian, whose only crime probably would be growing drugs. This also goes back to the previously mentioned wall-banging, where you had not yet confirmed that any civilians may have been behind the wall.

There is also nothing that indicates Liam had accessed his storage. Not to mention, you may have misunderstood 3.18. It says "While a player’s life is in immediate danger players must not use their storage boxes/trunks
to avoid losing valuable items that the player is currently holding on their person."
This means that it is allowed to access storage, as they could use it to grab ammo, mags, bandages, and so on.

Robin disconnecting should not be considered against 6.5 as shown below:

Robin was killed several minutes before the initial raid on the apartment, and even had time to spawn and wait an additional 30 seconds before disconnecting. It also shows he had not placed any drugs, unless they're the ones you grabbed in the beginning.

Liam disconnecting also does not go against 6.5, as shown below once again:

I am not going to comment on the 1.1, as it looks like it's out of context. What was said before Robin says "Go full retard"? Either way, with exception of the 1.1, I don't see that Robin or Liam have broken any rules. On the other hand however, I do see that you have broken rules yourself, starting with shooting through the wall without having confirmed that there's no innocent civilians behind, bringing their lives in danger, seizing evidence before the scene was secured, and then finally shooting at an unarmed civilian.
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Just to clear this up before you all jump on me like a set of animals. Ellena only declared her innocence in the situation as a gun was being pointed towards her. once visual confirmation was made it was stopped. She had been in the base with them for the past couple of hours - there was no reason to suspect she was being held hostage.

I've already stated I've broken some rules. and I'm prepared to take whatever punishment you see fit, considering I've already given my reasons and prepared for the backlash.
I just don't look forward to the bias debate.
I -Support your request. You were acting Trigger-Happy, wall banging and confiscating drugs mid raid as swat, which is unacceptable. I also see you breaking 3.24 in the video, you said in the police radio "wow he disconnected that's bannable" or something along these lines. In my opinion Robin and Liam didn't break any rules since the logs provided show that Liam timed out and Robin disconnected after respawning. I think that here you are the one that should be punished here, your behavior as a Law Enforcement Officer was unacceptable.
@Liam afaik did not break any rules, so this evidence is pointed towards Robin

In this first vid you'll see that the people in apartment 4 gunpoint the officer and indeed try to take him hostage. Now here comes to thing Robin, you say you want to help this cop. You're already breaking 3.3 and 3.4. Why would you, as a criminal that has his entire apartment stuffed with drugs help the cops is beyond me. You die in the process just seconds after you gun me down amplifying the fact its 3.4

  • Robin shouldn’t be held responsible as he wasn’t in charge or had any influence on the situation
  • You was in fact also a part of this crime as you broke law 8.5. If you wanted to help the officer, you should have reported it to the police instead of shooting him and risking jail time.
  • I’m quite sure that you doesn’t mean 3.3 but 2.1. 3.3 is when you do an unrealistic ACTION (mostly physical) like you did at 3:34 in the third video you posted when you jump down the stairs in a very unrealistic manner.

This the second vid this is where we both spawn and you call me a retard. "Stop acting so fucking retarded" and "You are a retard tbh" so we'll just put this onto the 1.1 tab

  • In this video there is minor rulebreak on both sides. You shouldn’t have used the voice chat for OOC matters (rule 3.24) just like Robin shouldn’t have called you “retarded” even though he was upset at that point.

In the 3rd vid we both lose our NLR times and run up our apartments, you peek into apartment 4 before heading down to your own apartment. Just a few min later you try to gun us down trough the ceiling resulting into me bleeding and fleeing from regals. You either metagaming, breaking NLR/trying to revenge RDM.

  • In the third video at 3:14 you said “Aw, my glock is gone”. By doing so you are referring to something from you previous life as seen in video one. Meaning that you broke rule 3.5.
  • At 3:20 your friend said, “Im gonna go kill them”. This means that he both broke 3.5 and gives Liam and his a good reason to act on this.

    This also explains why Liam said at the third min of the video, “Come kill us then”. (If he heard it)

And here comes the bonus vid, where i paint the walls red with your blood/brains. You weren't gunned down trough the floor.

Is up to Robin if he wants to make an AR for this. I my opinion you broke 3.4.
It would not take more than a click on a panic bottom or a CCTV camera seeing you vehicle driving away, for the police to catch you. Meaning that you in my opinion broke 3.4 and 2.1.

@Robin Ljungberg
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+support you can see that Liam placed his AK in the storage becouse he didn't drop when he died.
Robin clearly left for no reason and should be banned.
The amount of hate on this AR is horrific, it seems the only people not rating things dumb, having a horrible attitude to the AR are the people its been made on.

Anyhow, In my opinion I am going to go ahead -support this AR. From the logs @Niko provided it seems Liam did time out, and thats out of his control. Robin left after respawning, giving, IMO, enough time for the raid to finish. As also seen in the logs, he had no gun or drugs out when he dced, indicating that it was picked up.
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