AR Mina & [Naxal] Clippy

Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name: Synatec / Christopher Christ
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Mina / Kian Wolf & [Naxal] Clippy / Aidan Keis (@Mina & @CaughtRed )
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:437224249 & STEAM_0:0:48863576
Why Should This Player Be Punished: 2.5 (4.1) for both - Both ran me over for no reason and were minging in general. It started when I was done fist fighting someone and Mina, as firefighter, decided to attempt to hit me with his truck. He failed miserably, I drag the body to hospital so I can get the dude I fought back up, Mina 'accidentally' backs into me, I fly, he is stationary when I walk to the body, Clippy attempts running me over but fails miserably aswell, Mina decides to run me over when I try to drag the body.

When I get revived, Clippy decided it was smart to run me over as a taxi driver, probably telling the Medic he was going to do it.

4.3 (4.1) for Mina - He broke the law as a government employee and he was 'patrolling' with the firetruck.
4.8 (4.1) for Clippy - Breaking law as taxi driver and not performing his duties

Firefighter is Mina
Taxi driver is Clippy

I'd like to add that these 2 players are known for minging and their general disrespectful behavior both in-game and on the forums.
Just go to SCAMBans, login with your steam and look on both their SteamIDs, this is not the first time they have broken these rules and it most definitely won't be the last aswell.
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I was the firefighter.

I would like to say that when you were fighting the sweater i was trying to break the fight up my any means necessary, as there were no officers online. Afterwards it did look like i tried to run you over but I lagged and went forward, something that happens alot at the PD.

Secondly at Intersection I didn't see you behind my fire truck when i was reversing then when you landed infront of me I was looking at where the taxi was as at the time he had hit into me and thats why i was saying 'Bro what are you doing' I didn't realise you where there and I got the medic to revive you immediately after i Hit you.

Thirdly reporting me for 2.5 and 4.1 is comepletely bullshit. Firstly, 4.1. I never broke any laws during your entire demo. You were in the middle of the road when i ran you over. Not only was it unintentional, You shouldnt have been on the road in the first place. Secondly, 2.5. I never showed any Negativity during any of your demo. I was harrassing you nor was I doing anything to annoy you or make you angry.

Lastly I would like to say that 'His/Her SteamID: Forgot to check. ' is just being lazy, showing that your just half assing the AR. Next time atleast have some sort of valid points and atleast fill out the template given, instead of being so lazy not to check it.
Provide your demo, I'd love to see you lag, demos show this.

I didn't know your steamid at the time of writing this.
Now the long reply. If you want to play the dirty game, I'll play with you.

Firstly, just because there are no officers online doesn't mean you can become one as a firefighter, I am also pretty sure there were cops on duty.

Secondly, fair enough, this is why I put accidentally in these things ' '. The taxi driver is literally your go to minging buddy so don't use that excuse. The 2nd time you hit me was intentional. There is absolutely no way that was not intentional.

After reviewing the video one final time I found out you could not have said that to the taxi driver, he was not in voice proximity. I find it extremely hard to believe you were trying to talk to him.

Thirdly, At the start of the video you are breaking law 9.2 by using your fire extuingisher to damage me.
Also at the start, you fail to report a crime, which is law 10.2.
From 0:40 to when you kill me you are breaking law 12.11 and law 12.12.
You literally ran me over, how is that not negative behavior? You knew damn well you couldn't run me over yet you still did, I was affected negatively by it, if I wasn't I would not have made this AR.

Lastly, when I wrote this, I did not know your steam ids. After I edited the post to tag both of you I realised your steam shows up on the forums, I don't see how this is relevant to anything though, this just makes it look like you are trying to put something on me.
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Note for Staff dealing with this if he needs logs.

This occured on the 19th of May around approximately 10:50PM BST.
1. There were no officers online and as a government employee I did anything I could to try and stop someone getting hurt/killed.

2. I don't know what you mean by 'Go to minging buddy' I wasent minging in any footage you have given. The 2nd as I said I was looking behind me at the taxi and didn't see you go infront of me. The camera for the fire truck isn't the best thing to see shit in.

3. Again you were in a fight with another person so I tried to stop it as a government official with no officers online. I tried to not only defuse the situation but also stop a sweater from being killed. He was new and I was trying to show him how to get a job. I didn't fail to report the crime as I tried to call officers to the scene, reporting it over radio in my fire engine as I drove away. This was to prevent you overhearing it and most likely taking out a weapon to shoot me or something. As I mentioned before I lagged and that will show in the demo that I will present once a staff member reviews this AR. Running someone over that is in the middle of a road isn't negative behaviour lmao. Not to mention it was unintentional. You werent affected negatively. You make it sound like I took years off your life when you had to wait a few seconds as I got the medic to revive you. You must have literally nothing else to do with your life than to complain about getting run over in the middle of a road and say it affected you negatively XDDDDDDD
Oh gosh you must be emotionally hurt after that! Lmao

Lastly, I mean you could have found that out before you made the AR.
I don't think they have an advanced logging system were it keeps logs that are days old. If they do then I mean you staff can provide it but I mean everything logs would show, is already shown in the video.