This shit gonna be split up into a few chapters, better get reading
Alongside your friend Tyler Mccracken being arrested for Reckless Driving, Failure to stop, you had decided to come and raid the Police Department for a sentence that was only 5 years and you somehow knew it was 5 years, guessing meta gaming cause there was no other way you knew it was 5 years by your presence in OOC. Upon you winning the PD Raid cause of you guys having shotguns and me having a pistol, you had left the body behind at the Police Department. In all, you had broke 3.4 raiding the pd over 5 years and you both figured that you're allowed to raid pd for your friend for a
5 year jail sentence, it's clear that any staff member will tell you that it's either 7/8+ years that you're allowed to, so you had broke the rule
After you guys had left the Police Department, I had went to the armory to rearmour and after my "paperwork" I had grabbed dna and set a warrant on you
Jack Fuston and had issued the warrant and raided your place, with noticing narcotics which I taken aswell as your firearms which you got pretty upset about

. You should've done better to fucking hide the bodies properly.
TLDR; Learn to fucking hide the body and not try to break the rules yourself trying to raid PD and break 3.4 because you had metagamed your buddies sentence and thought it was "OK" to raid the PD for 5 years jail sentence. Try yourself bud before I have to make an AR on you for breaking 3.4.
I suggest you to close this AR before you get yourself fucked for breaking 3.4 and more than likely metagaming. Have a nice day!