Alright Lets get Started. Before You read this, I just want to let you know this is MY OPINION Feel free to rate it on what you think of this.
First Of All
Alex had no reason that we know of to kill you but he could of known you were armed by the metal detectors near the door.
I doubt he knew that due to his post that he made on this thread and the Slander he has in his mouth. Him shooting you was a breach of
"2.5 Excessive Negativity- Generally speaking, players are not allowed to excessively negatively affect the experiences of other players while playing on the server. For example, destroying a number of valuable items in a store should only be done under certain circumstances, and more so as a last resort; specifically, reasons such as product prices, a ‘basic’ distaste towards someone within the store, grossly disproportionate methods to quell competition, etc, are not typically acceptable."
I don't know if this counts but he did shoot you on an area where a lot of people could see. But like I said, I don't know if this would count as no Npc's could see you but the NPC at PD Parking. I personally think it was a bit too far for a person to notice someone being shot but if you heard shots and you see some form of weapon in their hand It would be pretty easy to guess. Also there was a busy highway next to them.
"6.3 NPCs- When role-playing within the vicinity of NPCs (Non-Player Characters, for example, the NPC that resides within Fredy’s Bakery, the City Hall, etc.), NPCs must be treated as regular players, where possible; for example, if a player has used just committed a serious crime in the suburbs within the vicinity of the storage NPC they must threaten and/or take the NPC into consideration. Another specific example is if a player is involved in a bank robbery and is visiting the hospital to receive treatment from the NPC the aforementioned player should ensure his and the NPC’s lives are not in immediate danger."
His attitude to this Ar is not something that a normal play would expect. It seems he doesn't really care about this so why wouldn't he care about a warning or ban?
"Case closed. Please find the nearest bridge and throw yourself off it."
As an Ex Staff member this user should know better than to slander people.