Your Steam/In-game Name: Adikid*TRADING*/Adrish Malik
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Almighty/Marcus Zeds and Micheal Carbonella/SteamName N/A
His/Her SteamID:STEAM_0:1:65075178 - Marcus Zeds
Why Should This Player Be Punished: First of all, we went to his apartment due to an officer hearing him talking about drugs or what not. So I began to question him. He randomly started saying he has a "skin disease". This is a great example of powergaming and furthermore he made multiple /descs saying he has a skin disease, he is allowed to take drugs. May I add further the fact he went into the back of his apartment, got a cash register and dropped a bandage and called it something along the lines of "skin disease medicine". I was attempting to explain to him the fact he is not allowed to do that because his so called disease was not rped to the extent where it can be used as a fact, for example he went to the doctor's to see about it, he has actually used medicine before hand and in previous situations rather than randomly making up a disease and using it to not to get raided, not that we were even going to raid.
He then continuously broke 1.1 by disrespecting me and the other officers with me by telling us to 'fuck off' and what not.
Evidence (Demo Required): The video I have doesn't show the whole situation only the parts needed such as the so called book of his disease or what not and most importantly the chat.
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Later on I saw Marcus Zeds prop pushing himself across the intersection, not once but twice.
Micheal Carbonella - Broke 3.4 by running across the highway
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Almighty/Marcus Zeds and Micheal Carbonella/SteamName N/A
His/Her SteamID:STEAM_0:1:65075178 - Marcus Zeds
Why Should This Player Be Punished: First of all, we went to his apartment due to an officer hearing him talking about drugs or what not. So I began to question him. He randomly started saying he has a "skin disease". This is a great example of powergaming and furthermore he made multiple /descs saying he has a skin disease, he is allowed to take drugs. May I add further the fact he went into the back of his apartment, got a cash register and dropped a bandage and called it something along the lines of "skin disease medicine". I was attempting to explain to him the fact he is not allowed to do that because his so called disease was not rped to the extent where it can be used as a fact, for example he went to the doctor's to see about it, he has actually used medicine before hand and in previous situations rather than randomly making up a disease and using it to not to get raided, not that we were even going to raid.
He then continuously broke 1.1 by disrespecting me and the other officers with me by telling us to 'fuck off' and what not.
Evidence (Demo Required): The video I have doesn't show the whole situation only the parts needed such as the so called book of his disease or what not and most importantly the chat.

More to add:
Later on I saw Marcus Zeds prop pushing himself across the intersection, not once but twice.
Micheal Carbonella - Broke 3.4 by running across the highway
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