AR on Beeza

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Reaction score
Texas United States
Your Steam/In-game Name: Cole / Cole Rogerson
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Beeza / Billy Ray
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:10666204

Why Should This Player Be Punished:

The player broke rules 1.4 (Co-operation and evasion), 2.1 (play realistically), and 3.4 ( Putting your life at risk) by attacking me (LEO at the time), with his fists, killing me over a ticket and lying about the situation when confronted by Moderator @Shay .

Incident description:
I, Cole, at approx. 2150 hours on 3rd July 2018 was patrolling through the Bazaar area as a police officer in a marked patrol car. When I came to the pedestrian crossing at Bazaar, I noticed the offender (Beeza / Billy Ray), surfing on another person's car and walking on the road. As said behavior conflicts with in-game law 12.1 (Jaywalking), I proceeded to initiate a stop on the suspect. As soon as the offender was confronted, he walked away from me saying "Try me mate, you can't do shit.", again I verbally ordered the suspect to stop. After that, Beeza jumped back onto the car surfing on it, just to get knocked out (not unconscious, just knocked to the ground for a few seconds). Right after he was up, he walked away from me again, prompting me to pull my nightstick out. At this point, I again verbally ordered him to stop without using any form of force. He then started punching me, promoting me to punch him back with my nightstick. Eventually, when I attempted to pull out my taser the offender caused me to start bleeding and punching me once more, killed me.

Beeza broke rule 2.1 by car surfing and later on proceeded to break 3.4 by killing a law enforcement officer over a ticket. When he was confronted in the admin sit he lied straight to @Shay 's face, saying that I hit him first, which prompted him to punch me back.

In the Demo, it is very visible, that Beeza attacked me first and later lied to @Shay during the admin sit.

Evidence (Demo Required):

Tick: Tick 48000 : Minute 40:00


@Appricey @Hendricks
User will receive a two week ban for 3.4 and 1.4, as he clearly had no reason to escalate the situation to murder of a Law enforcement Officer and also lied to moderator @Shay in an admin situation.​
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