Ray's AR

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Professional Stripper
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Your Steam/In-game Name: Daigestive
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Billy Ray and Dimzy Ray
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:106662043 STEAM_0:1:1066620

We were doing a bank robbery, I had an AK underneath my pagani, has no trunk, the other side of the subway, I was tabbed out waiting for the alarm to go off so I could car bomb the swat van however, cops were all ready responding and there were shots at bank. When I tabbed back in I instantly saw the TFU run inside of PD so I jumped down and placed the car bomb, before I get minge-punched by two people for no reason whatsoever and knocked out while warranted for the bank robbery after I did nothing. Throughout this situation I did not use my mic once, I have had no confrontation with these people at all, they had no reason whatsoever to punch me in the PD and in front of the NPC.

I believe they broke 3.4 and 2.5 just by being minges trying to knock me out for no reason whatsoever. After we planned the bank robbery, crafted everything, got the code, you can guess how pissed I was by this. Especially by my OOC messages afterwards getting RDM'd for no reason whatsoever. Missed out on the robbery and cops searching for us with warrants could have made some good RP.

After speaking to Grave on ts with them, their justification was:

  • "I chatted shit to Dimzy who then told Billy Ray to help" - I think this is bs and they've lied to Grave, I didn't use my mic once, I literally walked from A to B and tabbed out, I also have no confrontation with either of them. Dimzy also says nothing to Billy Ray in the evidence.
  • I failed to respond to a /me, I was obviously afk. In the demo you can see where I tab out and when I tab back in. Tab out at 0.22 and back in at 0.42 I had no reason to even look at the chat so I didn't see the /mes, I just heared the PD door close, thinking it was tfu so I used the chance to place the bomb.
I think they lied throughout the whole TS chat with Grave and had absolutely no reason what so ever to start shit. They literally baited me for a reaction and when they didn't get it attacked me anyway for no reason. Like Beeza lied in OOC saying he was never the one punching me.

Evidence (Demo Required):
I don't know why i'm getting reported, we talked about this in teamspeak and you were fine about it, like I said Dimzy told me as soon as I got out of jail that you were chatting shit about him so I tried to grab you and deal with you by taking you to the subway and teach you a little lesson to not chat shit to Dimzy again, but instead you ignore my /me and go and car bomb a swat van for a bank robbery which I never knew you were doing, you had no gun and ran away from my /me which you're not allowed to do so and you just ignore me and the rest of us, why would you ignore 3 hill billys right in front of you, pushing you and attempting to grab you, after you ran away I decided to punch you because you wouldn't listen then I stopped as soon as the truck exploded and ran away then the other guys I guess knocked you out or something. But you were really toxic in teamspeak and in OOC chat ingame by calling me a "autist and a spastic" which is not very nice at all. That's all I got to say, I do not think I broke a rule here.
Here are some screenshots of him being toxic in chat which is 1.1


Said it wasn't you when it clearly was you that started punching me lying in OOC. I hadn't seen Dimzy before any of this so there's no way Dimzy could have told you that me specifically had been chatting shit to him. Show evidence of it or even a demo. I addressed everything else in the OP.
-You can't punch someone until they're unconcious for not following a /me even if they didn't notice it because you tried baiting them when they were afk and it was obvious I was afk. You did this infront of the Police Department risking your life infront of an NPC. Doesn't matter how big your ego is you still have to follow the rules. Basically, RDM'd me.

2.6 Reporting a Rule-Breaker
If it is believed that another player has broken a rule, the ‘/report’ function is expected to be used to inform an Administrator. If a player(s) is in a role-play situation with another player(s) who has broken a rule, after the ‘/report’ function has been used, the former player(s) should continue the role-play situation as best as to their ability, and within the confines of the rules, until either it has ended and/or an Administrator intervenes.
I don't know why i'm getting reported, we talked about this in teamspeak and you were fine about it, like I said Dimzy told me as soon as I got out of jail that you were chatting shit about him so I tried to grab you and deal with you by taking you to the subway and teach you a little lesson to not chat shit to Dimzy again, but instead you ignore my /me and go and car bomb a swat van for a bank robbery which I never knew you were doing, you had no gun and ran away from my /me which you're not allowed to do so and you just ignore me and the rest of us, why would you ignore 3 hill billys right in front of you, pushing you and attempting to grab you, after you ran away I decided to punch you because you wouldn't listen then I stopped as soon as the truck exploded and ran away then the other guys I guess knocked you out or something. But you were really toxic in teamspeak and in OOC chat ingame by calling me a "autist and a spastic" which is not very nice at all. That's all I got to say, I do not think I broke a rule here.
Here are some screenshots of him being toxic in chat which is 1.1


You’re not allowed to do 2 things in one /me. I see that you grabbed him and dragged him in one /me
Said it wasn't you when it clearly was you that started punching me lying in OOC. I hadn't seen Dimzy before any of this so there's no way Dimzy could have told you that me specifically had been chatting shit to him. Show evidence of it or even a demo. I addressed everything else in the OP.
-You can't punch someone until they're unconcious for not following a /me even if they didn't notice it because you tried baiting them when they were afk and it was obvious I was afk. You did this infront of the Police Department risking your life infront of an NPC. Doesn't matter how big your ego is you still have to follow the rules. Basically, RDM'd me.
What rule did I break? It was on the side of the PD, not in front of the PD or near where the NPC can see. I did nothing but do a /me to you because dimzy told me that you were chatting shit to him, then you ran off ignoring my /me so I decided to say "beat him up" then chase you and punch you a few times until you exploded the swat van, then I ran away and stopped, it shouldn't be me getting reported here. It was not me who killed you all I did was punch you a few times.
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