AR on Brandy Martello

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Your Steam/In-game Name: BigNonce/Jack Carpenter
His/Her Steam/In-game Name:Brandy Martello
His/Her SteamID:
Why Should This Player Be Punished: A minute before the first video he walked into pd and a notification popped up saying he was wanted, I decided it was not safe enough to try to arrest him because all of his friends were around him, I also believe his group blew up a car and they still stayed at PD. Before this they had gone on a killing spree of cops and killed every cop multiple times and yet they decide to stay at pd.
The second clip shows them staying at pd and shooting at police even after 5 minutes of me being dead
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In terms of the first video: I was car bombed right in front of PD minutes earlier. I then felt my life was at risk and I would rather be arrested then dead so I stood around in front of PD to ensure if someone attempted to kill me, they would have less of a chance of getting away.

In terms of the second video: He was aiming at gun at us through the window so in my head that was a possible threat as he could've been using it as an advantage point as the window is sort of one sided and provides cover, if he doesn't want to be shot it should be common knowledge to not look at the shooters with a gun drawn looking at them in attack stance. Also, why you breaking NLR by sticking around and attempting to point guns at us in attack stance?
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in the first video an officer attempted to arrest you which is why you ran away and which led to the gunfight, and in the second video you can hear shots being fired as soon as I spawn, you also shot an officer who just spawned trying to get into their car


Professional Stripper
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Someone tried to carbomb codemonkey infront of PD, an officer then attempted to arrest @nade which lead to nade shooting the ppk. I saw you run behind the wall which is why I ran around PD to kill you expecting you to still be behind the wall. In regards to the second video, police were raiding us in slums as codemonkeys car was bombed we fled to slums.

I really didn't expect you to be someone that cries over losing 5 minutes late at night when nobody's on relying on other people to start shootouts for you.
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North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
I tried looking at this from different view points on what kind of reasoning you'd have to start a shootout in this sit. Since more people were involved and this is just an AR on Brandy, there is not a lot we can do here except give our reasoning and see if it's really punishment worthy or just a waste of time (did you lose anything?), a lot of accusations and rules people break are due to heat of the moment which I can not say for sure if this is applicable here.

Brandy was wanted, refused arrest and as his friends were nearby he could make a successful run for it which seemed to have worked.
As for the second video, there seems to be a raid going on at slums as they fleed to that property as said by @Daigestive .You can see the bullet holes in Slums 3 which is a entirely different sit. Also, it's probably not the best of idea to pull out your gun when your NLR is still active, hide within the PD.

Again, not a lot of context to go by but it seems to me that no rules were broken as far as we can see given by the evidence. Feel free to send me more so we can review this more in a conversation with all parties involved as this is just a spaghetti.
Reviewed with SpaceShots.

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