ar on dai and synatec

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Fasolakia,
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Daigestive , Synatec
His/Her SteamID:STEAM_0:0:155798045 , STEAM_0:1:71523592
Why Should This Player Be Punished:So me and Balt were basing at subs 3. We came in by unlocking the garage door with a boby pin(which did not break ) then we unlocked a small room there and started growing there. After like 2-3 hours these 2 guys came armed and lock pick the door right on our house. daigestive did not admit it and he said he heard us planting or something like that. From my point of view if you watch my demo you can see that these guys came straight to our house knowing we were there. Probably watched the demo just to gather information just like other org members of theirs did (phantom ) or using some kind of cheat/ Scripts
Evidence (Demo Required):!IkNFDA6K!8-h-eNXEGRKyKpaxvaLSKukT9TgVanHLKEKrHCzc-WY

tick 35567 when they show up
This is right they came straight to our building and apparently they heard us while we were not making any noise at all actually I was afk wearing my headset while growing in case anyone comes. I would like to demand something Mr.glinchy I do not want you to get involved in these AR I would like some other mod to do so or maybe some admin.
3.9 Placing Props
Props may only be placed within properties that you own, or if you have permission to do so from the respective owner; this excludes the use of Police Barricades and Cones. In some cases props may be placed in public if they benefit roleplay, however users must use the report function to consult an Admin if they intend on placing a prop in a public area. Props must be placed realistically; for the placement of a prop to be deemed realistic, it must demonstrate that it can remain in its position without being frozen through the use of a Physics Gun. A maximum of three spotlights may be concentrated on a particular area.

Logs can prove Dai and me did not DC to look at the demo.
This is just another salt post which is going to punish you two guys, not us.

@Brikaas i didnt run out of fuel >: )
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u are not involved in this didnt say u were just refered to u cause u have done the same and u are friends with them
Why would u search these properties nothing was unlocked , we didnt move so dont say u heard us
in our demos u can see we didnt move for 10 minutes or so .
i asked to upload the demo so the admin will hear the movement dai heard
No KeiwaM, Dai checked all properties in the server, hicktown, wood cabins so we knew they were inside an unowned property

this is what u said right? so dai and u were about 40 minutes on server so u unlocked every unowned property on server for how many raids in 30 minutes does that count?
no i said he checked if they were for sale and they were so you are inside an unowned property

you are really petty
no i said he checked if they were for sale and they were so you are inside an unowned property

you are really petty
Last reply before I let the staff team deal with this abomination of an AR.

Dai was looking for properties to raid, he called me over to raid a subs house. I came, and we raided your subs house. There were multiple indicators suggesting that you were in the Suburbs. I owned Suburbs 4 so this is the perfect opportunity to check, we have a property close if we have to escape. I don't know how Dai heard you, but he did. Ask Dai this.

We then entered your property, and to my god damn surprise you were actually in there sitting in a fucking bedroom growing drugs. Dai shot you guys, said ez, and we got your drugs. Not that fucking hard to understand.
If we turn the table around real quick and imagine that you guys won, would you make an AR? You probably wouldn't right, because you won and got 2 AKs + you got to keep your drugs.
Stop making these petty fucking ARs and accept your loss. You just admitted to breaking 3.9 and I am not going to be nice about it, you already went past that option.

l8r b,

no i said he checked if they were for sale and they were so you are inside an unowned property

you are really petty
Maybe you did not watch the demo from your point of you the video you posted it seems that you indeed just helped your org member raid us. But we would like to see the demo from Daigestive cause we didn't make any noise there couldn't be a way he could hear us. Even if the AR gets accepted I don't think you should get punished since you just helped your org member. But anyways as Jamal said you are only allowed to raid 3 places in an hour. I mean he could not mention it at all and nobody would notice I mean with Jamal we had many many arguments but he has a good knowledge and he understand the server rules. Unlike Daigestive
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