AR on dylan russel

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Marcus blin

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Dylan Russell

His/Her Steam: idk

Why Should This Player Be Punished: first of all. I have done my best to stick to the rules, but I have misunderstood the term slander. making a report on me, saying I was slandering him when I was clearly not. And I have played for 4 years, so I know what's right and what's wrong, and the term slander is relatively new.
Alright, let me break down the situation for you.
There was this guy standing on gas station roof(Very realistic yes) talking on the phone, while PLPD was starting to conduct a raid.
Sergeant Finch told me to cuff him asap. As you can see in the video, as soon as I jumped down on the car I started yelling " PLPD get out of the car right now!" while I was gun-pointing him. He refused to follow gunpoint thous breaking 3.4. So I said to him I will throw him straight in jail if he doesn't get out now, he gets out, runs around at gunpoint, and gets in his car again. I tell him in looc because I got tired of him, you're breaking 3.4 to get him to react, but he didn't.
The third time he was breaking 3.4, sergeant finch who had told me to cuff him, came onto the scene and then he complied with it. He had literally been ignoring me for around 40 seconds raid time where I could have been flanked or killed. Then he proceeded to run around the raid scene, putting his life at risk a 4th time screaming for my badge number. I tell him to stop following me, or I will charge him further. Then he complied.

I do feel a bit targeted by him. If it was any other officer, he would probably have complied, but since he could hear my voice, he just wanted to piss me off. And he really has been pissing me a lot off here lately. This week I got around 8 IA's from him, for the ridiculous things, that doesn't even make sense in an IA. If People Services would look into my IA's they can see they're without reason because I do my job as good as I can. I haven't charged him for a few days, and still, he claims that I am targeting him.

I am sorry for "slandering" him in looc, this will also be added up to my apology.
I should have used the battering ram instead, but my head was melting from all the stuff that was going on around me, while I tried to stay cold. Hopefully, sergeant Finch came, which made him comply.

Evidence (Demo Required):

Kind regards officer Hudson.
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So I was at the gas station waiting for rc to come while on the phone to my friend, I then got gunpointed by Marcus and turnt of my engine And got out the car, as I got out the car he pulled hand cuffs out and I tried getting back in and he gunpointed me again so I got out he pulled cuffs and I ran and then got gunpointed from a officer in front of me so I got on the ground and got restrained. I will provide my perspective when next on
Also you are lying about the 8 ias lol, I made 1 ia on you and I do not target you at all. You target me, remember when you used to run up to me and cuff me for no reason and say I’m getting arrested and unrestrained me and run. I didn’t go near the raid scene till after the raid, I stayed at the gas station area for all of it. I also didn’t try to piss you off at all, you were just being very disrespect and rude during the situation ic and in the sit ooc.
No I don't remember doing that. Stop lying, I followed orders from @Logan Finch . So we're you, you was very disrespectful, you kept interrupting me.
The reason why I told Marcus to get you into cuffs DB was because of you being "smart" by sitting on top of a fucking gas station right next to a shoot out on a phone.

Does this look suspicious to me at all would you think?
So I was at the gas station waiting for rc to come while on the phone to my friend, I then got gunpointed by Marcus and turnt of my engine And got out the car, as I got out the car he pulled hand cuffs out and I tried getting back in and he gunpointed me again so I got out he pulled cuffs and I ran and then got gunpointed from a officer in front of me so I got on the ground and got restrained. I will provide my perspective when next on

Why the fuck would you keep running off after being gun pointed? Just because he pulls cuffs does not mean its allowed
Alright, I’ve looked back at my footage and seen I did run away for no reason and should of just complied and not run away, I’m deeply sorry for my actions and anyone’s I effected RP and I’m mainly sorry to @Marcus Hudson and @Logan Finch I’m sorry and I’ll just accept my punishment and not do it again. Once again I’ll just accept my punishment and not do it again sorry.
I did run away for no reason and should of just complied and not run away,
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