AR On Francc Taylor

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Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name: Declan Whitehead
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Francc Taylor
His/Her SteamID: Unknown
Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.4 Pulled a gun at gunpoint
Evidence (Demo Required):
[may be processing still]
- Involved - You weren't gunpointing with any sort of focus at all, merely swinging your gun around hoping to achieve something. With that considered, and the fact that you gave no orders, I wouldn't consider this "gunpoint" meaningful at all.
Still merely a gunpoint tho, and with me pointing it at him after me shooting another guy i felt i was indanger so kept pointing at him till bank units gave me a update.
how do i break it? if it was when Dai pulled and i ran him over, it wasn't pointed at me and i had the opportunity to run him down, which worked successfully
Also,he didnt even saw you when you run him over,so its not 3,4.
What do you mean, im not report Dai its about the guy from the transit van i had my gun on him the whole time he was out before he pulled a gun
Although your gun was pointed in his direction, you were not close enough for him to have a low chance of survival when pulling his gun, he also pulled his gun the second he got out of the car when you were at a considerable distance. Gunpoint is when you have your gun pointed directly at someone where they would be instantly shot if they do something, in this situation you were much too far away from the car, allowing frank to get out and quickly equip his weapon before you even realised he was armed. Frank is not at "gunpoint" just because you are running at his car with your gun in his general direction.
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