AR on Hyde

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Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name: Shortbusgangster/Patrick Smith
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Mr. Hyde/Hyde Lemad
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:43996678
Why Should This Player Be Punished: Broke 3.4 by pulling a gun under gp and not dropping the secondary weapon when asked to drop the weapons. Later, mad at the issue that I was going to make an AR, tried to mug me at city bridge to bring me down at underpass, with a very high chance of having multiple citizens see him and maybe even NPCs from Hospital and Uncle Coss. He also kept me gunpointed just to ask me why I'm making an AR. It took forever and all I wanted to do was dc.
Evidence (Demo Required):
(Sorry about the crap fps)
2:20 was when he gun pointed me at city bridge
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First of all i cooperated dropping the shotgun you asked for, because you only said "GET ON THE GROUND" and "DROP THE GUN" you turned around to your left,(thinking i didnt have any other weapon), swaping your items and keeping me OFF gunpoint, after a few seconds of noticing you not aiming at me with a weapon anymore, but infact looking at the ground to your left, I decided to defend my life taking out my concealed secondary weapon, when i was aiming at you with the gun, you turned around to finally notice me, and then we exchanged shots.

At the city bridge i was only following you, checked if anyone was looking at us or near us and then i just told you to "RUN DOWN THE STAIRS", i didnt mug you or ordered you to drop anything in public. I only mugged you after, when asking you to go in the bathrooms on the toilet out of sight of anyone.
P.S.( You were breaking my RP, saying you wanted to just disconnect and leave insted of interacting with the RP situation, making my experience dull and unimportant, wanting to evade yourself, then you blackmailed me saying you are going to make a "HUGE A.R." for mugging you in the bathroom, destroying again my inmersion and RP experience)

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Hyde's current ban will be extended to a full week as obviously his reckless actions in the open public with a gun is violating 3.4. For future situations please do NOT use /me ties the man, use the zipties.
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