AR on Ivgeni and Stav Abergal

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United Kingdom, Southampton
Your Steam/In-game Name: MoonTheGoon / Tom Henderson
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Stav Abergal (N0oni:D_kiki ) and Ivgeni (ζ͜͡WhiteTigerCc)

His/Her SteamID:
Ivgeni - STEAM_0:1:155596153
Stav - STEAM_0:1:108145691

Why Should This Player Be Punished: These players both stored there items whilst there building was burning down. If a staff member could get logs to prove this that would be good.
3.18 Storages and trunks
While their life is in immediate danger a player must not use their storage boxes/trunks to avoid losing valuable items that the player is currently holding on their person. This includes detaching weapon attachments with the intention of avoiding their loss.

3.20 Disconnecting from the Server
When disconnecting from the server players must ensure that they are not a part of any role-play or administrative situations, this includes, but is not limited to, being unconscious. Players should also wait at least 10 minutes prior to leaving the server after committing a crime; this does not apply if the crime has been resolved (player has been arrested / caught for this crime).

It is also prohibited for a player to disconnect from the server with the sole intention of saving possessions. However if a player can provide a reasonable explanation for disconnecting during role-play they should do so by informing a staff member with the use of the /report function.

They also possibly left the server to avoid getting killed by the fire however i am not sure whether this is 100% true or not however logs should clear this up.

This situation happened at 2:30 PM on the 08/01/2019.

Evidence (Demo Required):

Ok i will break this down as i can see that this looks kind of aids.

at 0:15 i molotov there complex so that they would burn to shit for valid reasons i had.

at 6:05 you can see Nooni storing his stuff whilst the building was burning down. (Storing whilst in danger)

at 6:30 you can see the drugs are there and then at 9:49 you can see the drugs have been picked. (Picking whilst in danger)

at 8:57 you can see the building is engulfed in fire and there cars have disappeared but aat 10:43 somehow they magically appear at bazaar. (Possibly rejoined)

I dont normally make AR's but when we lost stuff from them and then when me try and make them lose money they break rules its a bit retarded.
no body of us rejoin i saw tfu coming in so i was thinking that there is fire only in p2 so i try to run out and i die after i got respawn the guys that was still alive describe me how you look and what you done so i killed you just wanna let you know the fire didn't even make it to our apartment so even if we didn't was storing nothing will happen
and about the props too we didn't even know that you have any connection with the guys on bazaar so we didn't even have a clue that the Molotov is for us cuz it was in the enter of the building while we was basing in p4 so i pick up the props
the cars that you said that they "disappeared " it is because after i die i spwan my car again ...
no body of us rejoin i saw tfu coming in so i was thinking that there is fire only in p2 so i try to run out and i die after i got respawn the guys that was still alive describe me how you look and what you done so i killed you just wanna let you know the fire didn't even make it to our apartment so even if we didn't was storing nothing will happen

I mean you had no escape so you would have died, and by running into the fire is just retarded. You must have taken the call whilst you were still under NLR and u also have no proved that you didnt store your stuff whilst your life was in danger?
i saw tfu coming in from fire so i was thinking that if i will run in the same way that he came in will be safe

They raided my shop, mugged me, stole a lot of items, so we decided to molly them. I supplied Moon with 1 molly.

I find it hard to believe you ran through the fire but I guess logs can back this up.
I myself was also confused how you guys made it out of the fire, Emily Miller even said "restarting pc brb" in LOOC in the bazaar. I feel like this was not a restart as it took him about exactly 5 minutes to reconnect. What a coincidence right?
From what I can see this is just blatant 3.18. I am not calling names on 3.20 until we have valid evidence against it.

What I can suggest @✪[Sky]-Nooni to do, is post his POV on the demo. If you did not DC, it should be in one demo. If you show your demo you can atleast defend yourself from 3.20.
i die logs can show that too so there is no need for a demo in this sitoation logs can show every tihn g
Restarting and rejoining in 5 minutes is not impossible. My pc takes roughly 20 seconds to reboot from an on state, at 45 seconds I'm on steam. 50, in gmod. 2 minutes, in game.
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