The thread is starting to spam the shoutbox quite a bit. For now, the thread will be locked until it is dealt with by a member of staff. If we need anymore information about the situation, we will contact the appropriate people.
@Liam Holder - When killing someone in the defence of your friend (which was what we can infer from your explanation), you needed to report the crime so that you officer would know you acted in the defence of others, which he thought anyway. Regardless of whether you heard him tell the medic not to take DNA, which you were within distance to hear, the person is dead. They aren't coming back. So how can it be proven that Marcus shot first? You could easily lie your way out of that with no government witnesses or involved to testify. Your argument of "no more cops would show up" is also not a valid one. You need to assume that more officers will be arriving after you commit these actions, there's no scoreboard for you to check who's online within roleplay.
@Farstaq - I will be sending you a PM which will go into more detail, but as a medic, you are to obey the orders of an LEO. This means that if they tell you not to take DNA, don't. I will update this post when there is a conclusive outcome on that.
You will be receiving a 2 day ban for your actions, in combination with this action request.