AR on Jake

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Mango | Boncuki Mandela

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Jake Wood | Jake @Zeus

His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:80665242

Why Should This Player Be Punished: So I was at bazaar and I see my friend Jonny Danger get shot. I asked around to see who it is and I felt suspicious about Billie Bad because I thought it was him as he was near the area. So I asked Joseph who it was and he had no clue and there was really no way of me finding out who it was, so I just played block buster on my phone for a bit and Jake Wood randomly shoots me for no apparent reason. He killed me because "you was getting suspicious" which is not a reason to kill me if I lacked evidence who it was and I had no chance of finding out. In my eyes he broke rule 2.5 excessive negativity because there was no reason behind killing me.

Evidence (Demo Required):!ZspUhCrK!4ThzitKvkkk4eaBPp0qb1yVfsECZddH5RkfG74OuzjE

Tick: N/A
i didn't do anything wrong! i was protecting my org members and he knew it was billie who shot Jonny Danger so i shot him protecting Billie's life
So, we were at bazzar growing some of that kush and sugar and we see Johny Danger run in our shop and gets out. We hear him saying "They have drugs inside officer!". The cops buggered off because they had something else to do, so one of our org members killed Johny and hid his corpse. @Mango then proceeded to ask "Who killed him?" "I saw you with a gun out it was probably you." We knew you were onto us when you were mashing your keyboard with your phone up, most likely calling the cops or something. You also supposebly said youre gonna take revenge on the one who shot Johny. So Jake shot you (despite Josef saying that we should wait) so you dont call the cops. The org member who killed him could have risked 10 years in jail and a 10k fine. I think thats a valid reason, since noone was arrested later and the bodies werent found.
So, we were at bazzar growing some of that kush and sugar and we see Johny Danger run in our shop and gets out. We hear him saying "They have drugs inside officer!". The cops buggered off because they had something else to do, so one of our org members killed Johny and hid his corpse. @Mango then proceeded to ask "Who killed him?" "I saw you with a gun out it was probably you." We knew you were onto us when you were mashing your keyboard with your phone up, most likely calling the cops or something. You also supposebly said youre gonna take revenge on the one who shot Johny. So Jake shot you (despite Josef saying that we should wait) so you dont call the cops. The org member who killed him could have risked 10 years in jail and a 10k fine. I think thats a valid reason, since noone was arrested later and the bodies werent found.

Actually, I was not calling the cops and actually I was on my phone playing block buster as you can see in the video and not at all did I say I saw you with a gun out it was just I knew Josef or anything wouldn't of killed him that's why I thought it was him. Either way, I had in-sufficient evidence it was him. So you heard me bashing my keyboard thinking I was calling the cops? You're using my keyboard (OOC information) to use IC to assume that I'm calling the cops? Really?

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