AR on Jordi Anfy

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Your Steam/In-game Name: The Omega/Kazuki Hashimoto

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Epithax/Jordi Anfy

His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:54716490

Why Should This Player Be Punished: So, I was raiding with my friend and was mugged two other people, then Jordi came in and saw us, we tied him and gagged him, of course he should also break /me command, he can't get himself free when he is tied as he was. We decided to take him too and we had a very great success, then Samuel Sheppard came into the house he dropped his gun once another guy came in, my friend shot him quick, but Jordi wrote /me untie and then came out and shot at me. He disconnected right after he did that, once they two others was gagged and still screamed like when you are gagged in real life told them to stop else we would shoot them, but they didn't stop so 3.4. The action Request is to @Chris

Evidence (Demo Required):

Tick: 5:00
The first 10 minutes and 30 seconds of the video is pointless ... its just you talking to yourself. I cant watch anymore, just show the rule breaks next time.
I'm gonna stay neutral with this because I would like to hear @Epithax 's side of the story before I made a decision. You see the /me you did was "/me ties the man". That /me is not very accurate as the victim does not know whether you tied his legs or hands. This has been discussed in many other threads which I'll link below. This is why I want Epithax to explain his actions and why he did it then I'll state my decision. Next time make sure to make your /me's more accurate else you will face more of these incidents. Thank You,
George Schurr


After reviewing the demo above I decided to give this a +Support. There are many rule breaks that occurred throughout this whole situation. I will now be stating the rules broken by each character.

First man to walk in: This user was clearly stalling throughout the whole situation and did not follow some of the orders given to him while under gun point. An example of this would be when he was ordered to lock the door at 3:34, but refused to. Another example is when he was ordered to drop all his items at 6:35 which he continued stalling saying "What type of stuff?" using LOOC even after you told him "Everything". Another rule he broke would be 3.4, this is because he was mumbling while gagged even after you told him to stop under DIRECT GUNPOINT. If he hadn't done that then this raid of yours would've been more than successful. Other than that these are clear infringements of the rules.

2nd Person to walk in: If you don't know whom I'm talking about I'm talking about the second man who walked into his apartment after hearing Jordi mumbling whilst gagged. He was also tied and gagged once he got in and the situation with him is the same as Jordi expect that he didn't break that many rules. This guy also broke 3.4 by mumbling under direct gun point at 7:06 which soon resulted in his death. The mumbling attracted more attention to the owners of the apartment which created an unfair advantage against you guys. He did not stall nor break 3.28 as far as I know.

Jordi Anfy: This lad is the only one that broke
3.28 for now. He was tied and gagged, yet after you shot Jordi he decided to talk and say "Stop shooting man". He might've forgotten that he was gagged or didn't even realize it at all, but he still spoke whilst gagged. About the part where he untied himself I am still unsure and am awaiting a reply from Jordi himself. He also did a inaccurate /me as all he said was "/me unties" not stating whether he untied his legs or hands. I'd also like to add that at 7:35 Jordi did mumble, but when you asked him to stop he did.

Samuel Sheppard: So far Samuel is one of the only people who didn't break any rules throughout the situation. He complied under gunpoint, asked whether you wanted him to drop his gun, and shot when you had your backs to him. No rule infringements from him, he played it smoothly and safely.

Woman that walked in: This is another person who didn't break any types of rules during the situation. Some of you might think she broke 3.4 by equipping her gun whilst under gun point, but that is false. She took cover behind a thick barricade, and when she wasn't to be seen by the enemy she withdrew her gun and started to shoot. She did die, but that was just a normal gun fight with no rules broken at all.

Note: I'd like to note that after you have tied a person and gagged them DO NOT ask them to walk somewhere as they are gagged and tied. You need to do a /me drags the man/woman and then they should follow you. A clear example of you guys doing this is at 7:35 where you asked Jordi to get in whilst he was tied and gagged. Also, Jordi is a friend of mine, but he broke 3.28 nonetheless, so all I'm doing here is giving my honest opinion and nothing else. Harpers are doing great Samuel :laughcry::laughcry: enjoy your time.

This is my opinion on the whole situation and I think that all of this would've been avoided if the first two stopped breaking rules from the start. I would also recommend if you made the Action Request on the first two as they are the main problem to this whole situation.

Thank You,
George Schurr.
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Alright so the guy in the blue/purple sweater (in the demo) who you killed first clearly violated 3.6, he decided to start yelling to try and drag attention that something wrong was happening even after being told (I assume you did) not to say anything. The 2nd guy appeared to do the same thing again even after his friend died because he was mumbling stuff extremely loud.

However, about the /me commands I don't necessarily believe they broke any rules, here's why. I don't think you were precise enough with your /me commands
these were the latest commands about tieing them up afaik. Personally I don't feel that explains anything, what did you tie? The characters didn't know what they had restricted, was it their arms? Was it their legs? You could've completely tied them in an ineffective place.

Regardless, the 2 people yelling probably brought attention, you also had to shoot which made the people think something was going on and then the situation escalated from there. As of now I'd say only the first 2 people really broke rules, they decided to mumble after being told to shut up etc. which is a violation of 3.6 as it did in fact cause one of them to die. Oh and the guy on the left in the room also refused to drop his items (I really doubt he he had nothing)
I will be supporting this AR, as I believe the following rules were broken:

3.4 | Being hesitant and stalling while under gunpoint
3.6 | The user who was screaming failed to do everything in his power to stay alive
3.28 | Disregarded being gagged and tied up
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You only gave details of one user (Jordi Anfy) and he broke 3.28 as he was tied up and managed to untie himself magically. He has received a 1 week ban.
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