AR on Knoxy82

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Bean Can/Matt Grand

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: @Knoxy82 / Lee Skarsky

His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:68788670

Why Should This Player Be Punished:
Story: They were involved in a raid on office where we were trying to raid them. The ones we knew were involved were wanted for some pretty serious crimes. Upon trying to pull them over 3 cop cars went to get them. 2-3 officers had them under gunpoint and lee skarsky still ran away from 2-3 officers under direct gunpoint. I was knocked unconscious but he was immediately shot down right after I was shot down and he had no realistic chance of getting away from out gunpoint.

3.4: He completely disregarded the other officers and my gunpoint which resulted in him getting shot down nearly instantly. He didn't have a realistic chance of getting away and he unnecessarily risked his life.

People involved who witnessed it: @Google Chrome @Col. Collier
Evidence (Demo Required):

He made us all shoot at him so his friends could get out and shoot us and made us almost lose because of that. Basically, you can not run away from gp when are 4 officers or 3 I don't remember are pointing a gun at you and you just run and take your gun out while running it's still 3.4.
basically as i started running i got shot so you basically iniated on me so thats when i pulled my gun out the running was basically my fight or flight instinct kicking in. if needed i can upload my point of view because i couldnt see you gun pointing at me from what i can remember
basically as i started running i got shot so you basically iniated on me so thats when i pulled my gun out the running was basically my fight or flight instinct kicking in. if needed i can upload my point of view because i couldnt see you gun pointing at me from what i can remember
Oh yea you are right we are gonna watch you run away under gp to go behind us and shoot us.
basically as i started running i got shot so you basically iniated on me so thats when i pulled my gun out the running was basically my fight or flight instinct kicking in. if needed i can upload my point of view because i couldnt see you gun pointing at me from what i can remember
We told you get out of the car and you instantly ran away from out gunpoint which resulted in you getting shot.
Knoxy had 4 people on his back and, as shown in the video, you got instantly shredded.
ok i get you said get out the car but there was 6 armed people in that car chances were quite high i decided to try and run quickly to get away from you guys hoping that you wouldnt see didn't know you locked onto me when i got shot once i turned around with my gun and starting shooting back we can wait to see what an admin/mods response is and carry on from there
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ok i get you said get out the car but there was 6 armed people in that car chances were quite high i decided to try and run quickly to get away from you guys hoping that you wouldnt see didn't know you locked onto me when i got shot once i turned around with my gun and starting shooting back we can wait to see what an admin/mods response is and carry on from there
So you put your life at risk so the people inside can kill us. You just commit it yourself.
wtf when did i say that i basically hinting that our chances were high since at the time of arrival it was pistol cops vs 6 guys with automatic weapons
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