AR on Kobeyashi and Cereal Killer

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Jimmythehamster/Jimmy Mcdonald

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Kobe/Kobeyashi Miyashima
@Kobeyashi and Cereal Killer/Paddy Fassbender @Cereal Killer

His/Her SteamID: Kobe: STEAM_0:0:96023288 Cereal STEAM_0:1:91518057

Why Should This Player Be Punished: They both broke 3.4 by shooting me after I attempted to detain Paddy over a stupid act of chucking bottles at medics for seemingly no reason.

You gun pointed my car, then gun pointed my friend, I dont even know why you gun pointed. Then you started attacking him with the nightstick so we all started attacking you. We then fled the scene, and hid until a medic was randomly patrolling in the farm and gave our location. If anything you put your life at risk by gun pointing a car that had it's engine on with the intention to move.
seeing that he had his gun out and he is always armed ( even tho the gun is holstered) you still broke 3.4
it doesn't matter if he was gun pointing your friend he was still armed so your putting your life at risk for doing that
Alright, first off, that guy who threw the bottle to a paramedic car broke 3.4 since he did that for no reason at all and risked being imprisoned and getting a ticket. Everyone who started shooting on the officer broke 3.4 too since their "friend" would've just received a jail sentence for 5 years. Making all of them getting imprisoned for 10 years and receiving a ticket for 9.5 7.6 which would be (max.) $ 10,000 worth. Preventing a friend getting ticketed or imprisoned for MAX. 5 years is not worth for killing officers and receiving a 10 years jail sentence and a $ 10,000 ticket.

The user that killed you will be banned for a breakage of rule 3.4. Even if he was 'roleplaying' as a drunk man, his actions in terms of server rules were not acceptable.
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