AR on Ludus++

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Your Steam/In-game Name: щека/Tommy DeSimone

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Ludus++/Bobby Brackins

His/Her SteamID: @Ludus STEAM_0:0:36979711

Why Should This Player Be Punished: 1.1, and 3.4. Ludus managed to find his way in my hitlist and was at the gas station, when it was going to be a quick kill (Pull up, shoot him down and drive away) he stalled in his car until he forced us to shoot it down, he later got out for us to kill him, but because of him refusing to get out of the car for as long as he did caused the whole situation to last about 30 seconds longer than it should have, which could have easily had me sent to the cells. Afterwards he reported me for killing him, but continuously argued and interrupted @Chris in the sit until Chris decided Ludus was better off making an action request than wasting his time. After that he was complaining in LOOC and OOC, I told him to make an action request and stop causing problems, only to be replied by "I'm not causing problems cunt. Now I'm causing problems" He then started insulting Chris in chat by sarcastically calling him and "Over-achiever" because Chris ended the sit for Ludus constantly interrupting him.



As you are a senior member of the server, and as you are willing to give evidence (valid evidence), we can see that he is obviously breaking 1.1 and 3.4 by not getting out of the vehicle. The only question is, did you feel that was slander @Chris ?
+Support Guy clearly broke 3.4 he was getting told to get out his car at gunpoint yet it took him 30 seconds to get out, but then again maybe his seat belt got stuck?
After looking at Ludus' history, he has 4 bans for breaking 3.4 and breaking 1.1 in an admin situation. Quite clearly this user struggles to adhere to the rules thus should be punished accordingly.

After looking at the evidence provided Ludus stalled the rp quite a bit as it only needed to take around 10-20 seconds to shoot him down.

Furthermore instead of following @Chris' advice and making an AR, you decided to disrespect him in OOC as well as disrespecting Thomas.

You fail to adhere to the rules and should be punished accordingly thus my verdict:
This was actually the first time where I've had to turn around to the people making a report and tell them that I'm not willing to help them. It makes no sense for someone who has requested help to then go on and cause problems when getting it. Clearly the video shows that your plan could have been easily screwed over by this unrealistic stalling, and the remarks in OOC were cheap shots that simply weren't called for.
I was the cutie in the tracksuit, so I am going to have to give my +Support on this AR because Tommy is right, those couple seconds that Ludus delayed could've landed us in jail for some time.
I was the BallBuster in this situation and the result of Ludus++'s action could have put us in jail, or cause a very large gunfight at the gas station. Lucky the cops didn't show up at all :*
I support this Action Request for the following reason(s)

1.1 Disrespectful Behaviour
Ludus++ clearly broke rule 1.1 as shown in the image.

3.4 Putting your Life at Risk
Ludus++ failed to follow orders under gunpoint, he was gun pointed by two armed people and had no chance of escape. Ludus++ should have complied with the orders but instead he refused to exit his car, this could have resulted in the imprisonment or death of the two armed people.

Ludus++ have received 4 bans for breaking rule 3.4.
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User will be given a ban for the part where he did not exit the vehicle, no question about it. In the situation where he flamed both you and Chris he will be recieving a warning.

Thanks for making this action request
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