AR on Matt *Trading* and John Doe

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Your Steam/In-game Name: GAAAA

His/Her Steam/In-game Name:

Matt *Trading* @Matt
John Clean @John Doe

His/Her SteamID:


Why Should This Player Be Punished:

The other person went into the back of my store pointed the gun at me whilst I was in complete public view.

Matt should be banned for taking part in a kidnapping for the sole purpose of mugging me and killing me after being mugged.

Basically what happens is I open the back door, he goes inside then comes outside whilst I was about to craft, he points a gun at me at first i'm confused thinking what the hell is he doing then he "whistles me" telling me to into the back and then the mugging commences since I had a ton of singular items it took a long time and being next to the cash register didn't help, at the end I was about to reply no as my inventory was clean, before I'm killed by matt.

Evidence (Demo Required): -File Uploading-

Tick: N/A
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Alright buddy, here's the deal, I didn't kidnap you, I don't know where you got the idea of that, nor did my "accomplice" John Clean, we mugged you and then when I was telling you orders you weren't following them so I shot you, you were too busy talking in LOOC slandering me to do my orders, I told you to stop talking in LOOC but you didn't and therefor couldn't perform the orders I was giving you, I asked you to drop your items and you werent so I shot you, it was not a public place either as he was inside pointing it at you out of clear view, the only rule breaken here is stalling in an rp sit, ALSO he sped this up so it looks like I didnt give him much time, I gave him plenty of time so I am asking that he upload the RAW demo, or video non sped up to give a proper insight.

Could a staff member deal with this man stalling in rp also as I shouldn't need to make an AR considering it shows clearly in this video.
Alright buddy, here's the deal, I didn't kidnap you, I don't know where you got the idea of that, nor did my "accomplice" John Clean, we mugged you and then when I was telling you orders you weren't following them so I shot you, you were too busy talking in LOOC slandering me to do my orders, I told you to stop talking in LOOC but you didn't and therefor couldn't perform the orders I was giving you, I asked you to drop your items and you werent so I shot you, it was not a public place either as he was inside pointing it at you out of clear view, the only rule breaken here is stalling in an rp sit, ALSO he sped this up so it looks like I didnt give him much time, I gave him plenty of time so I am asking that he upload the RAW demo, or video non sped up to give a proper insight.

Could a staff member deal with this man stalling in rp also as I shouldn't need to make an AR considering it shows clearly in this video.

"I didn't kidnap you"

Your friend pointed a gun at me whilst I was in a public area forcing me into the back

"we mugged you and then when I was telling you orders you weren't following them so I shot you"

Look in my inventory I had nothing left to give you, I was about to say no then bang i'm dead

"LOOC slandering me to do my orders"

didn't say you broke any words

"I asked you to drop your items and you werent so I shot you"

Like I said I had nothing to drop you

"it was not a public place either as he was inside pointing it at you out of clear view"

Don't tiptoe around rules



good joke
"I didn't kidnap you"

Your friend pointed a gun at me whilst I was in a public area forcing me into the back

"we mugged you and then when I was telling you orders you weren't following them so I shot you"

Look in my inventory I had nothing left to give you, I was about to say no then bang i'm dead

"LOOC slandering me to do my orders"

didn't say you broke any words

"I asked you to drop your items and you werent so I shot you"

Like I said I had nothing to drop you

"it was not a public place either as he was inside pointing it at you out of clear view"

Don't tiptoe around rules
Alright lets focus on the rules you think I broke instead of the ones you did.
Just because we gunpoint you and tell you to get into the back of your shop does not mean we were kidnapping you.

I asked you if you had anything left on you and you took ages to respond so thats why you were killed.

I feel as though you were slandering me but that doesn't matter as this AR is on you.

You're final "point" is completely invalid as it was not in public view, he was behind a door and no one could see him.

ALSO you were stalling outside when you were talking in LOOC when John was trying to get you inside his shop.
Alright lets focus on the rules you think I broke instead of the ones you did.
Just because we gunpoint you and tell you to get into the back of your shop does not mean we were kidnapping you.

I asked you if you had anything left on you and you took ages to respond so thats why you were killed.

I feel as though you were slandering me but that doesn't matter as this AR is on you.

You're final "point" is completely invalid as it was not in public view, he was behind a door and no one could see him.

"Alright lets focus on the rules you think I broke instead of the ones you did."

First off your attitude is disgusting.

"Just because we gunpoint you and tell you to get into the back of your shop does not mean we were kidnapping you."

I was in public view you forced me into a private area, aka kidnapping.

"I feel as though you were slandering me but that doesn't matter as this AR is on you."

This literally makes no sense.
"Alright lets focus on the rules you think I broke instead of the ones you did."

First off your attitude is disgusting.

"Just because we gunpoint you and tell you to get into the back of your shop does not mean we were kidnapping you."

I was in public view you forced me into a private area, aka kidnapping.

"I feel as though you were slandering me but that doesn't matter as this AR is on you."

This literally makes no sense.

"I was in public view you forced me into a private area, aka kidnapping."
we mugged you? if thats kidnapping does that mean everyone that mugs is kidnapping? no.

Also don't talk about my attitude it's irrelevant and shows you have weak and non existant points.

You are allowed to gunpoint people into the back of their shops in the manner that @John Doe did, they closed off your doors and ensured that you were no longer in a public setting. However you stalling because you felt someone had broken the rules did not help the situation. May I remind you about rule 2.6. As you have broken this rule you will receive a warning.
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