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Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name: Blobvis 2.0
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: "MCGSCEFFAAWHETJH55555" Grant Pressman
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:33130062
Why Should This Player Be Punished: breaking 3.4 as he could have easily gunpointed me with his bud behind me.

So I was growing in Regals 3 and left because on of my pot cracked and my friend wanted to buy an appartment aswell. As I left I thought they would be doing something stupid and checked once more before I left the building. As I was driving around the city I bought some stuff and went back. As expected I found them near the appartment 1 down stairs as I walked up with my bud (my bud in front) he screamed there is a guy in your appartment. At this moment he came running out and i scrolled to my physicgun on accident and even before I switched to my physicgun he started shooting me already causing him to just throw is life into danger while his bud was behind him and he was already gunpointing me (he never said anything). I was never a real threat as I never showed my gun to them in the reglas at the moment he gunpointed me (and shot me immideatly).

Tick: near the end
Hey! Thank you for your action request!

I took a look at your demo and I did in fact see that he did shoot you down. Well for starters, a lot of things go through peoples heads while raiding and sometimes they don't really think. He didn't know if you were armed or not but took the chance. This was obviously a bit excessive and should have been dealt with differently.

This is a similar case to the one @Alex_:D had a few months ago. Where he did get a ban for it. (

So my final verdict is that 2.5 and 3.4 was broken due to the excessive way he dealt with you.

Hope that this helped! -Mat
This player wasn't thinking and thought anyone who gets in the way or may be a threat I will gun down, However he did clearly have you under gun point and could of handle it a lot more differently instead of completely gunning you down, I would like to rephrase this as "Trigger Happy". He/her was clearly not thinking about there actions until it was over.

I have to agree with Juicy, he is clearly trigger happy and like you said he could of dealt with it in a different mannor, other than being trigger happy.
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