AR on NadaJunes

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Israel, HaDarom
Your Steam/In-game Name: BlitZKrieG/Jon Marston
His/Her Steam/In-game Name
: NadaJunes/Nadia (or nada)Ross
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:76440963

Why Should This Player Be Punished
: Shot through my door for no reason, after I told him to get out. He was being a minge while we were doing something, so we told him to get out, he pulled out a gun and put a bullet through my door, and then ran to Bazaar store 1 and hides at it's corner not inside it, which is definetly not far enough to be safe from cops. So rules broken are I believe 2.5, 3.4.

Evidence (Demo Required)

: 21500, the shot fires off at around 21900, and I used Drive and I saw him pulling out the gun.
@NadaJunes @Ysauzi
No, I came in. I didn't know that you were recording or whatever, and I certainly didn't know that you were gonna act all hostile to me. I had a gun, but your friend, decided to pull a base ball bat on me and threaten me with it. Yeah I shot at your door and ran but that was only as a warning to stop acting hostile towards me. I ran off after that. I wasn't being excessively negative in anyway like you said I broke, and I wasn't exactly putting my life in danger as there was no police around at the time and people. I can provide my side of the story if you request it. I shot your door, not you, not your friend, I shot your door.

May I also add that the recording of my behalf, you're friend threatens me with a baseball bat telling me to fuck off and then swinging it nearly hitting me. You also mentioned there's, a camera in bazaar, correct but where I was, wasn't in direct line or visible to it until I ran off. Showing no evidence of a gun on me. Also, my friend was watching my back and there was no one around so.
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The user will be warned for breaking rule 3.4.​
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