Your Steam/In-game Name: Niko / Dontrall Caldwell
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Naughtybear / Genuinely no idea - Lowlife_Rozay96 / Rozay Baker
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:245556277 - STEAM_0:1:426356091
Why Should This Player Be Punished: Breaking rule 3.8 by directing movement and using elevated platforms. 2.3 - Exploitation of headglitch. Possibly 3.20 as the user disconnected either during or shortly after the raid. As can be seen from the evidence, the side entrance of the Parker building directs player movement, and near the storage chest are two concrete barricades stacked on top of each other, with a short(?) wooden fence acting as the only support, while also being an elevated platform that causes a massive headglitch.
I must admit that I cannot say for certain that @Naughtybear was the one behind the defence, as Super_ mentions he can only see him take wooden fences out of storage, but a fellow org member(?) and defender of the base, @Cooper , says that he believes Naughtybear was behind the construction of the defence.
Either during or right after the raid, Naughtybear also disconnected from the server, which may have been a futile attempt at saving his stuff, though this is kind of a stretch as he may simply have quit when he blackscreened in order to go to bed or whatever, I got no clue what the time was for him.
Lowlife_Rozay96 was the owner of the concrete barriers and also the one utilizing them, meaning he was the one taking advantage of the headglitch made by the barriers and the elevated platform. The ownership of the fences used to direct player movement isn't certain, and could easily have been placed by any of the three players involved, but according to the fact that @Cooper said he wasn't in the base when it was set up, it is between Lowlife_Rozay96 and Naughtybear
Evidence (Demo Required):
Here is a short gif of the incident
And a few pictures of the defence
I can also provide a slightly longer video that covers the moment I breach the building along with @CapalotBlickyy and until I get shot from behind.
I also showed the gif above to @Super_ who agreed that the base was against the rules.
Tick: N/A
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Naughtybear / Genuinely no idea - Lowlife_Rozay96 / Rozay Baker
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:245556277 - STEAM_0:1:426356091
Why Should This Player Be Punished: Breaking rule 3.8 by directing movement and using elevated platforms. 2.3 - Exploitation of headglitch. Possibly 3.20 as the user disconnected either during or shortly after the raid. As can be seen from the evidence, the side entrance of the Parker building directs player movement, and near the storage chest are two concrete barricades stacked on top of each other, with a short(?) wooden fence acting as the only support, while also being an elevated platform that causes a massive headglitch.
I must admit that I cannot say for certain that @Naughtybear was the one behind the defence, as Super_ mentions he can only see him take wooden fences out of storage, but a fellow org member(?) and defender of the base, @Cooper , says that he believes Naughtybear was behind the construction of the defence.
Either during or right after the raid, Naughtybear also disconnected from the server, which may have been a futile attempt at saving his stuff, though this is kind of a stretch as he may simply have quit when he blackscreened in order to go to bed or whatever, I got no clue what the time was for him.
Lowlife_Rozay96 was the owner of the concrete barriers and also the one utilizing them, meaning he was the one taking advantage of the headglitch made by the barriers and the elevated platform. The ownership of the fences used to direct player movement isn't certain, and could easily have been placed by any of the three players involved, but according to the fact that @Cooper said he wasn't in the base when it was set up, it is between Lowlife_Rozay96 and Naughtybear
Evidence (Demo Required):
Here is a short gif of the incident
And a few pictures of the defence

I can also provide a slightly longer video that covers the moment I breach the building along with @CapalotBlickyy and until I get shot from behind.

I also showed the gif above to @Super_ who agreed that the base was against the rules.


Tick: N/A
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