Ar on Obidan66

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Professional Stripper
Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name: Daigestive
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: @obidan66
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:24423558
Why Should This Player Be Punished: Broke 3.4 and 2.5 - After I was in a shootout with police, decided to start shooting me with his Deagle for no reason whatsoever to aid them. I had no experiences with this guy.
Evidence (Demo Required):
@Kenty The entire day as well as for the better part of the last week or so, me and the organization I am a part of, PTP, is constantly under attack by Olsen Banden. The police have been constantly cooperating with us, monitoring the area where we base, as they are aware of the number of raids and all around attacks that have been done against us lately.

I have decided to involve myself in the situation because a police officer was attacked by the Olsen member in question. And since the police were very helpful to us lately and are largely responsible for repelling many of the Olsen attacks, which Olsen is well aware of, these last days and hours, I've decided to try and save the officers life for the sake of keeping good relations and possibly improving them. Also for the reason of preserving the life of an officer that couldn't monitor the area in which we base, for this instance the Projex and Moron's Co. and send for reinforcements if he was dead, as that is a strategy that has been used against us before, disposing of the police one way or another, before raiding us and securing for themselves less resistance in the attack.

@obidan66 In all honesty, in a real life situation, I’m sure most officers would shoot you none the less. I understand your organisation might be getting knocked down, but the Police are the Police handling it. In that situation, it was Olsen VS Police and I don’t think it was to do with yourself more so your organisation as police were already shooting @Daigestive.

I’m not going to punish you since I don’t from my POV and your story, I’d understand why, but it’s just not allowed or legit, @Daigestive you can make a RR for the loss of your MP5K.​
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