Ar on [PH] Captain

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Depression city
Your Steam/In-game Name:|GSRP|☢Delta_Force☢/James Rasmussen

His/Her Steam/In-game Name
:[PH] Captain/Celia Hype

His/Her SteamID

Why Should This Player Be Punished
:(I do need a more clear Demo of what happend since i forgot to eat IG)
4.1 Follow the Law, 3.4 Putting your Life at Risk as seen in the video (Used the Police complaint video can get a new one if needed). [PH] Captain Broke 4.4 by Damaging a civil vehicle by smashing it which is Law 11.2 Vandalism (not OOC related stuff) in other words I! Decided to break Police Protocol (I allready have spoken with Garret about it)I still don't understand why a person which is a S.O(Senior Officer) would break 4.1 and 3.4 in all matters i have nothing againt [PH] Captain exept for this rule break Here is some of my Details on my Police i made on him

Well, heres what i saw:
She came up to our mini, and hit the windows (breaking them realistically) so i hit her to get her to stop and she hit me several times with the nightstick back, then you pointed your gun at her and told her to stop right there. She did not stop, she ran over to her car mumbling and drove off, all while under gunpoint breaking 3.4.

I would like to hear @[PH] Captain side why you Used your night stick on that vehicle

Evidence (Demo Required)
(Note this is the a Police complaint video)

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Reaction score
the crematorium
As someone direct witness to this, it was a pretty disgusting display of Police roleplay. Acting like a complete tit ruined that RP sit entirely and then she proceeded to drive off also. From a senior officer the severity of these infractions is amplified as the user is trusted in a position of power in addition to her normal duties.

This person needs at minimum a warning for these actions, if not a moderate ban or blacklist. I support this action request.
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